Chapter Seventeen : The Assassin's True Desires

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~Chapter Seventeen : The Assassin's True Desires~


Gon opened his eyes and quickly sat up as he dreamed a bad dream while panting. Gon turned to look at his right as he heard a sound of a book being closed and saw the phase one examineer, Satotz.

"You're awake?" Satotz asked.

Ignoring the question, Gon proceeded with a question of his own. "Where am I?"

"A waiting room. Right next to the arena of the final phase." Satotz answered as he puts down his book, placing it down on a table and pointed to the sleeping figure next to Gon. "Along with that lady."

Gon looked at his side and widen his eyes to see you sleeping. "(Y/N)!" Gon exclaimed.

"She said that she's only gonna check up on you but for some reason, she ended up falling asleep next to you." Satotz explain. "She really looked so concern when she leaved the arena."

Gon smiled and patted your hair gently. "I see..." Gon said, blushing slightly as he remembered your concerned face and teary eyes on his match.

With his gentle pat, you felt it instantly you smiled at the good feeling. You always love it when someone pat your head, it makes you feel you've been a good girl. You looked up to find out who is petting you and saw Gon, smiling at you while his hands is on your head.

You sat up, slowly and stretched. You yawned as you rub your eyes. "Gon...Good morning..." You said, sleepily.

Gon smiled at you. "Good morning!" He said as you smiled back.

You both heard Satotz lifting his chair towards the both of you. Gon looked around as if he remembered something. "Oh, right. We were on a middle of the hunter exam." Gon said.

You widen your eyes. "That's right! Oh no, I fell asleep!" You thought as you sweatdropped.

"Your arm will heal quickly. The break was very clean." Satotz informed Gon. "In fact, once it heals, the bone will be stronger than ever."

Gon widen his eyes as he remembered his opponent, Hanzo. Satotz holds out his hand, for the both of you to shake. "In any case, I congratulate the two of you for passing the hunter exam."

You smiled and shooked his hand. "Thank you!" You said as you let go of his hand and turned to Gon, who's hesitating to shake Satotz hand.

"Satotz-san, I..." Gon started but immediatly been cut off by Satotz-san himself.

"You can't." Satotz said as he grabbed Gon's uninjured right hand and shook it. "Just as someone who already failed the exam can no longer pass, someone who already passed the exam can no longer fail." Satotz said as he let go of Gon's hand. "The rest is up to you."

"If you feel you are unqualified to be a pro, you can feel free to destroy or put away your license. You can even sell it, since no one can ever use it." Satotz said. "However, a person who already passed the hunter exam will no longer be allowed to retake the exam."

"Professional hunters are treated well, Largely due to our predecessors' efforts. Hence, there are many applicants who'll harbor many ill intentions." Satotz explained as he got two things that look like a book with the hunter association symbol on them and show it to the both of you. "If it weren'r for them, we would accept every person who will apply."

You and Gon looked at each other and back to the book and simultaneously opened them to see the famous hunter license.

"Most professional hunters consider this card valuable more than their lives yet no more than a worthless scrap of paper at the same time." Satotz explained as you and Gon listened carefully. "The important thing is what you accomplished once you became a hunter."

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now