Chapter Seven : Adventure in the Airship

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~Chapter Seven : Adventure in the Airship~


It was then, the second phase was finally over. Now, here you are, along with Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio on the hunter association's chairman Netero's airship. You and all the other applicants who passed the second phase was gathered around one place of the airship.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly this time. I am this year's hunter association chairman, Netero." Netero said.

"And I'm his secretary, Beans." The bean-head guy said.

"Originally, I'm supposed to appear later on the exam but since some issue happened I appeared a little too early than usual." Netero explained. "And since I'm already here, I might as well tag along." He said.

"The airship will arrive at the third phase site at exactly 8 in the morning. So until then, you're free to rest and do anything around the airship until the time." Beans said. "There's food inside the dinner area and you can eat there whenever you want." Beans said.

While explaining all those things, you barely understand what they're explaining because you were nodding off. Once you assume it's over, you yawned and about to go somewhere you can sleep. But then...

"Okay! Gon, (Y/N), let's explore the airship!" Killua suggested.

"Okay!" Gon replied and both of them looked at you with big smiles on their faces.

"Huh?" You stared at them with confuse face and when you realize they're waiting for your answer, you smiled back. "I'll pass this one. I think I'll rest with Kurapika" you said.

Both of the boys put on a disappointed look but tensed up when they heard the "Rest with Kurapika" part.

They began imagining both you and Kurapika snuggling up to each other and snapped.

"NO!" They both yelled as they grabbed you and dragged you out of the door.

"Ah!" You exclaimed. "But-!" You tried to protest but with Gon and Killua, why do we even bother? You know perfectly that they won't listen to you in every way. You sighed in defeat and let them dragged you to the airship's hallway.

"Atleast this can keep me away from sleepiness..." You thought.


You've found yourself in the middle of the hallway with Gon and Killua who stopped dragging you, but both of them is still holding each of your arm. You three were just walking both of the males spotted a door that leads to a kitchen.

"Hey, Gon! Let's get some food!" Killua said as he lets go of your right arm.

Gon nodded. "Okay!" He said, letting go of your left arm.

"H-Hey! If you want food you can just go to the dinning area! You'll get ki-" you tried to warned but they already in. " out..." You finally said and sighed and qaited for them to go out.

While waiting you spotted a man that looks to be the chef holding a tray of food and walking over to the kitchen where Gon and Killua is. The man saw you and smiled.

"Hey, little lady, is there something you want?" The man said.

You smiled back. "Uhm...Not really...Hehehe..." You said, laughing nervously.

"Ah! I get it you must be hungry!" The man said as he got food from his tray. "Here you go." He said as he handed you a plate of strawberries.

You drooled at sight of the fresh, red strawberries on the plate. Strawberries has always been your number one food of all time. The man noticed this and laughed. "It's okay, you can take it." He said.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now