Chapter Five : Phase Two Part One

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~Chapter Five : Phase Two Part One~


You and Killua were waiting for Gon and the others while sitting on a branch of tree. You were worried for the three of them.

"What if they don't make it on time? What if...Huh?" You looked to the right to see Hisoka carrying a beaten up Leorio. You gasp and quickly turned to Killua who was leaning on the tree, eyes close.

"Killua! Wake up!" You yelled shaking his shoulder. Killua opened his eyes and groaned. "Hnn...What?" He said.

"Look there!" You said as you pointed to where Hisoka and Leorio is.

"Ah, It's Leorio. He looks beaten up." Killua said, bored.

"Why are you so calm? Come on, let's go to him!" You said, worriedly and jumped down from the branch.

Killua sighed in dissapointment and jumped down from the branch as well. "Tsk. And here I thought I could spend more time with (Y/N)..." He thought, dissapointed.

You and Killua ran towards where Hisoka and Leorio is. "Umm..." You started as Hisoka placed Leorio. Hisoka turned to you and smiled. Killua became alerted.

"What is it, little girl?" Hisoka asked as he crouched down to your height.

"U-Umm...That guy you carried here, is one of my friends...May I ask what happened to him?" You said.

Hisoka stared at you for a second, which made fidget. Then, he smiled again. "Your friend, Gon, might tell you about it." He said.

You turned to him, suprised. "Gon!? Is he okay?! Will he make it!?" You said.

Hisoka nodded. "I think so."

You smiled, brightly at him and sighed in relief. "Whew, that really relieved me. Thank you, Hisoka-san." You said.

Hisoka smiled at you. "You are very much welcome. Little girl. That's right, I haven't catch your name yet, what is it?" He asked.

"It's (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!" You said.

"Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)~ Well, take care of your friend here. I'm going now, bye~" Hisoka said as he walked away from you and Killua while waving.

You waved back as you watched he's figure. Killua walked to you. "You should watch your back when talking to him, you know?" Killua whispered.

You turned to him. "Eh? Okay, I admit that at first I thought he was a bad guy but now, I felt that he might be a good guy!" You said, brightly.

Killua turned away from you. "Tsk" he said. "You can get in trouble because of trusting others so easily you know..." He thought.

"(Y/N)! Killua!"

You and Killua turned around to see a familiar black haired boy running towards both of you while a blonde was calmly walking behind him.

You smiled. "Gon!" You said as you ran towards him and tackled him with a hug, which he hugged back

When you hugged Gon, Killua widened his eyes and so as the blonde infront of you and Gon as both of them were struck with jealousy.

You let go of Gon after a few seconds of hugging and sat up."Gon! I was worried! Don't go anywhere so easily without me or Killua or anyone else!" You scold him.

He apologetically laughed at you. "Sorry, sorry..." He said.

"Hey...How long are you gonna stay in that position?" Killua irritatedly said.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now