Chapter Nineteen : Saving Our Dear Friend

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~Chapter Nineteen : Saving Our Dear Friend~


You were all now inside of an airship traveling to a country called the Republic of Padokea. Gon was looking out of the window, with his eyes blank and seemed spaced out. Leorio and Kurapika has gone somewhere to buy snacks while you were just sitting next to Gon.

You hugged your knees to your chest and looked at Gon. He seems to be in a deep thought, probably thinking of his dear friend, Killua.

You grew kinda worried for Gon as you saw his unhappy face. It's really unusual to see him like this, you wanted to cheer him up.

"Killua..." Gon called out and leaved his mouth open.

At the same time, Kurapika and Leorio came back with potato fries and sodas. You smiled and grab one piece of potato fry from Leorio and insert it to Gon's open mouth.

Gon looks suprised as he felt a potato fry entered his mouth. He looked at you as you giggled.

"Don't worry, Gon! We'll save Killua!" You cheered him up. "We're his friends after all! We'll see him soon!"

Leorio and Kurapika nodded in agreement as they sat down across from the both of you. Gon smiled at you and widen his mouth to eat the potato fry you gave him and looked back at the window but this time with a smiling face.

"Yeah! Definitely!"


Finally, you all reached the region of Dentora of the republic of Padokea, the country where Killua lives. You were all currently riding a train to arrive at this Kukuroo Mountain. Then, upon looking at the window, you all saw a glimpse of the mountain.

"There it is." Leorio stated. "The top of that mountain is where the family of assassins lives? It looks really creepy..."

"Yes." Kurapika said. "Once we arrive, we'll start by gathering informations about the mountain."

Leorio nodded. "Okay."


Once you did arrived, you all went to a nearby person and asked about where the direction the mountain is.

"Kukuroo Mountain?" The woman said. "In that case, you should take the scenic mountain tour bus over there. The tour only runs once a day but it should give you a guide." She said and pointed to a bus.

You all followed what the woman said and ride the bus. There's a bunch of other people in the bus but not enough to make the bus full. Infront of the bus was a orange-haired woman that seems to be the tour guide.

"Okay..." The girl started. "Thank you for taking the Lamentation tour today. We will be visiting the Kukuroo Mountain. The home of the famous Zoldyck family assassins."

"Look." You heard Leorio whispered to Kurapika.

You looked behind you and saw them looking at the tough-looking guys on the back seat.

"They're obviously not tourists..." Leorio said.

"Yeah..." Kurapika agreed

"Everyone?" The tourist guide called. "Please look at your right."

You looked to your right and found the famous Kukuroo Mountain. Your and Gon's eyes shined with amazement as you both looked at it.

"That is Kukuroo Mountain, where the Zoldyck family lives." The tourist guide said. "A forest surrounds the 3,722 meter-high mountain. The Zoldyck estate is somewhere around that mountain, but no one has ever actually seen it."

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now