Chapter Thirty Four : Return of Rivals

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~Chapter Thirty Four :


You, Gon, and Killua were outside of the Heaven's Arena with Wing and Zushi infront of you. The three of you were wearing you bags behind your back because sadly, it was time for the three of you to leave the Heaven's Arena since the main purpose on why you three entered the Heaven's Arena was because you and Killua just wanted to help Gon train to punch Hisoka in the face and return his number to him. The match between him and Hisoka was finally over and even though Gon lost, he still punched Hisoka square in the face and returned his number. Since that's done, there was no other reason for the three of you to stay at Heaven's Arena so it was time to say goodbye to your master, Wing and his other student, Zushi.

"I have nothing to say with your fight with Hisoka today." Wing said, smiling. "You were the one who's fighting him so I'm sure your the one who understand the best of all."

Gon smiled widely which made you and Killua look at him, confuse. "Understand what?" Killua asked.

"What he learn during the fight." Wing answered.

Killua turned to Gon. "What did you learned?" He asked.

Gon grinned at him. "Secret!" He said, teasingly.

Killua pouted and said "tch" disappointedly.

"Gon-kun, Killua-kun, (Y/N)-san." Wing called. "You'll need to master your own style of Nen as you continue to walk down on your chosen paths."

"Yes!" You and Gon said while Killua just shrugged his shoulders. You three then turned to Zushi as you all heard him speak.

"I'm glad I was able to meet you three! You've set a worthy mark for me to surpass!" Zushi said.

Killua smirked at him. "Do you think you can pass us?" He asked.

Zushi smiled. "Yes! One day, for sure!" He said, confidentally.

"Won't happen." Killua said.

"I can't wait to see you pass us, Zushi!" Gon said.

You nodded. "Yeah, me too! You'll be stronger than us one day!" You said.

"Osu!" Zushi said as he laughed.

"Oh, Gon, (Y/N), let's go." Killua called as he walked away.

You and Gon followed him and turned to Wing and Zushi. "Wing-san! Thank you for everything!" Gon said, running to Killua.

"Oh, same here. Thanks." Killua added in the distant.

"We really appreciated everything you did for us! Good bye!" You said as you catch up with your two male friends, leaving Wing and Zushi waving at the three of you.


The three of you walk down the streets while talking. "Gon, you finished you're objective right?" Killua said while Gon nodded. "Then, we don't have anymore business here so what do you two want to do?"

"I was planning to go back to Whale Island." Gon said.

"Whale Island?" Killua repeated.

"Yeah, I told Mito-san on the letter I send to her that I'll be gone for quite a while but my fight with Hisoka ended quite early so maybe I'll come home in advance." Gon said. "It's actually been a while since I saw my family..."

You slightly widen your eyes. "Family..." You muttered as you thought about your guardian, Yumi.

Killua heard your mutterings and turned to you. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Killua asked, making Gon looked at you as well.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now