Chapter Thirty Eight : Falling In Love

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Chapter Thirty Eight : Falling In Love


Days passed as you and the boys were left alone in your home by Yumi, who still hasn't come back yet. While waiting for Yumi to come back home, you and the boy's relationship got deeper to the point where you can actually feel that something is changing within you. Your feelings for the three boys had suddenly increased this pass few days. You blushed more often than before now. Your body has now been reacting to every little thing they did. You'll laugh whenever some of them gave you a joke, even if it's not funny at all. You just can't control it anymore.

It was night time right now. Probably around midnight. You were still wide awake thinking about what's happening to you. You covered your mouth with a blanket and looked over to the side. There, you saw Gon and Killua sleeping. You giggled as they were on a ridiculous position and a drool was coming out of their mouths.

You then sighed, thinking again of the same thing. Whenever they smile and hot closer to you, your heart will always pound so hard that you fear it might jump out of your chest.

Then, this made you think. All of the boys had just declared their love for you a few months ago and you never gave them any answer. You promised to answer them however, time has already gone ahead so far, you still haven't had any answers to give each of them.

But what's important is, WHAT will you say to them? Are you gonna reject them? No, definitely not. You're too nice of a woman to do that. Besides, why would you ever reject them when your body is already saying "Yes" and your mind was slowly saying the same thing? Accept their feelings? Not really a good idea. If you accept their feelings, that would mean you will be with three men! Who heard of a girl being with three guys? That's wrong!

So, the final option would probably the best one but oh-so difficult to do so. Accept one of them's feelings, letting the other two to be depress or disappointed. But you can't do that! It will break your heart to do so! So what now? Just reject all of them and break their hearts and hurt their feelings? No! Definitely not!

Then, what...? What are you supposed to do now? Just pick one of them? Pick Gon, an innocent and cute boy who is on a quest to find his father? Pick Killua, who wanted to forget his past and start a new life with his new bestfriend and Pick Kurapika, a guy who is five years older than you and wanted revenge for the demise of his clan?

Just...What are you gonna do now?


It was morning, you woke up pretty late but it's still pretty early as your three male companions were still sleeping peacefully. Right now, you're currently making some breakfast and thinking about your feelings.

As you got more and more involved in thinking about your feelings, you didn't realise that someone just came downstairs.

Gon, Killua energetically got up their futons, playing with each other in the process. At the same time they leaved your and their room, Kurapika came of his as well. No one knows how that happen or is it a coincidence? But to the boys, they didn't care and just went downstiars like usual.

As they came downstairs, they instantly smiled as they saw your back figure. Gon grinned as he went behind you and gripped your shoulders, startling and snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" He yelled, cheerfully. He does this every morning now and your quite used to it but today is a little different.

As he startled you, your finger accidentally touched the heated pan infront you. You quickly move your hand from the pan to avoid more serious injury but it still hurt you. You dropped the spatula your holding ang gripped your hand. "Ah!" You exclaimed, in pain.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now