Chapter Six : Phase Two Part Two

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~Chapter Six : Phase Two Part Two~

With Gon and the others...

Gon looked worried while walking to the phase two site. Killua, being the one who knows him best (other than you) he is, noticed this.

Once they go back to the phase two site. Killua walked over to Gon.

"Hey, Gon, what's wrong?" Killua said.

Gon looked at him, with a concerned "I'm worried about (Y/N)." He said.

Killua widen his eyes. "(Y/N)?" He said, causing Kurapika to hear as well.

"What about (Y/N)?" Kurapika asked.

"Oh, Kurapika. That's right, I haven't told you guys." Gon pointed out.

"Tell us what?" Killua said, confuse.

"About (Y/N). You see, when we first talk to each other, she mentions something about living with animals. So I guess she loves animals and I think right now, (Y/N) is having a hard time killing a pig." Gon explained.

"Then, how about we kill a pig for her so she wouldn't have to?" Kurapika suggested.

Gon only shooked his head. "That's what I told her at first but she said she wanted kill- no, wait, "put away" a pig by herself." Gon said and wondered. "What does she meant by "put away"?" He asked.

""Put away" is another term for the word "Kill"." Kurapika exaplained.

"In other words, she doesn't want to say the word "Kill"." Killua explained. "Actually, it's good if she don't say that at all. The word might ruin (Y/N)'s innocence." Killua said.

"Eh? But she say your name! "Kill"ua, right? Kill-ua!" Gon said. "That means your ruining (Y/N)'s innocence!"

A vein appeared on Killua's forehead as he smack Gon in the head. "My name has nothing to do with that! If you think so, Blame my stupid parents for that, not me!" Killua yelled.

Gon rubbed his head. "Hai..."

Back to you...

You waited for all the examiners to go back to the phase two site while dodging each one of the attacks of the pigs. You can't let anyone see your power. It might spread like fire.

Once your sure that no one is looking, you activate your power and imitate a cat. Soon, cat ears and tail appeared on your back and head. You jumped to a large and make sure your completely hidden on the leaves. You looked around to see no one. You smiled and jumped back down and start to find a pig.

Once you found one, you smiled apologetically to it and charged at it. You jumped to it's head and balanced yourself to the pig as it started running. You jumped to the sky and landed a hard kick on the pig's forehead. Soon, the pig stopped running and hit the ground, dead.

You slide down from the now dead pig and looked at it. "I'm sorry..." You said as you made your cat ears and tail go away. You hold it's arm and dragged it to the phase two exam.

Despite your innocence and fragile look, you were actually pretty strong physically since there were a lot of animals that you carried and yes, that includes a pig. But that doesn't mean you dragged it with ease, you still struggled along the way.

When you reached the second phase exam site. Gon, Killua and Kurapika quickly noticed you and ran to you. Killua help you carry the pig while Gon and Kurapika were asking you if you're okay.

"I'm fine, sorry for worrying you." You said, smiling at Kurapika and Gon.

Killua placed your pig to your place and roast it. "There." Killua said.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now