Chapter Thirty Five : A Day With Each Other

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~Chapter Thirty Five : A Day With Each Other~


You woke up to the sound of someone laying down your bed. You slightly open your eyes and tried to see what's happening. It's dark but lucky for you, you can see perfectly in the darkness. Based on the darkness, it's probably around midnight.

You then widen your eyes as you felt an arm wrapped itself on your waist. You looked to your side and saw Gon snuggling up next to you, smiling widely in his sleep as a little drool was falling from the side of his mouth. In his sleep, he's making some adorable mews as if he's having a wonderful dream. You smiled as you find this very cute but need to wonder, why did he transfer to your bed?

"Gon?" A sleepy sound on the ground grumbled. "Gon?" He repeated as he stood up, revealing a half-asleep Killua with his hair all over the place. You also found this very cute.

He looked at your direction and his face immediatly turned into annoyance. "...What is he doing there?" He asked, figuring that you're already awake.

You smiled nervously. "I don't really know..." You answered.

"This guy must've sleep walked to your bed since he's still deeply asleep..." Killua said as walk over to your bed and got up on it.

You stared at him confused. "Umm, what are you gonna do?" You asked.

Killua lay down on your other side and looked at you. "Isn't obvious? I'm going to sleep here since Gon is taking advantage here." Killua explained and looked away with a blush. "B-But don't think that I'm going to sleep here because I want to...It's unfair for me, with Gon sleeping next to you like that. He's basically cheating."

You keep staring at him and blinked as he kept looking away with a blush. When Killua noticed your still staring, he blushed even deeper and quickly grabbed half of your blanket and buried himself underneath it. "Well, Goodnight!" He yelled.

You sighed and smiled and began to properly lay down. You were about to close your eyes when you felt Killua moved to the other side, facing you, underneath the blanket and his arms slowly and hesitantly wrapped itself on your waist. You're suprised for a second but then went with it and close your eyes.


You open your eyes once again, but this time there's no known reason on why you woke up. You didn't hear anything from your room that can possibly woke you up from your slumber. All you can hear was the soft snores the two males on your sides were making. You looked around and saw you clock, it was 3 in the morning. You decided to stood up from your bed, having no urge to sleep again. You gently took off Gon and Killua's arms around your waist. Gon's was easy but Killua's was stubborn and took a lot of time to remove it from your waist without him, grumbling on his sleep. Once you successfully took off both of their hands from your waist you quickly stood up from your bed and headed out of your room.

Once you exited your room, the first thing you noticed when you look to the right was a faint light from the guess room, Kurapika's in. You walked over to his room and stand infront of his door. You wondered if Kurapika's awake perhaps he woke up because he remembered something and went searching for it? No, Kurapika's very organized. He'll always remember everything he needed and needed to do. Perhaps, he's still sleeping and just wanted his lights on? Definitely not, Kurapika's brave. There's no possible way he's scared of the dark. So, what could he be doing right now?

You decided that, out of curiousity, to knock at the door. You waited for a response and soon, you heard footsteps coming toward the door. Then, the door was opened, revealing Kurapika in his sleeping wear.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now