Chapter Twenty Four : Nen

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~Chapter Twenty Four : Nen~



After his fight with Zushi, Killua proceeded to walk back to the elevator but hid immediatly behind a wall when he heard a familiar voice along his way.

"Forgive me, master!" Killua recognized that it was Zushi's.

Killua slightly look behind the wall and saw Zushi on his knees, apologizing to his master, Wing.

"I thought I made myself clear, Zushi." Wing said. "You're not supposed to use Ren yet."

"Forgive me! My opponent was too strong, I couldn't help myself." Zushi apologized.

Wing crouched down on Zushi's height. "Sure, wanting to win is good, but your true goals lies beyond this." Wing said. "At the top of this tower."

Wing stood back up. "Focus too much on simply winning a fight and you reduce your own potential." Wing said.

Zushi stood up. "Osu!"

"You must be prepared to lose a thousand times while you're here." Wing reminded him.


~End of Flashback~

"So, he's not supposed to use this "Ren" until he reached the top floor?" Gon asked as the three of you sat on a bench.

"I guess that "Ren" must be a strong move since there are strong fighters in the top, right?" You asked.

Killua stayed silent while looking down, then, he looked up. "Gon, (Y/N), change in plans." He said as he looked at the two of you. "I'm aiming to reach the top floor."

You and Gon smiled. "Okay!"

You looked at Gon. "That must've been Gon's intention all along..." You thought.


"Oh! Killua has knocked out another opponent with a single chop! And in the other arena, Gon has knocked out another opponent with a single push! Oh! And on the other arena, (Y/N) has sended another opponent flying to wall with a punch!" The girl announcer yelled to the microphone. "Each of them has win six consecurive matches within three days, meaning, they've reached the 100s without a scratch!"

"Killuas Chop, Gon's push, and (Y/N)'s punch. How far are they able to go? More importantly, who will be the one to stop them!?" The girl yelled in the microphone.

Finally, after three days, the three of you finally reached the 100s and like what Zushi said, you all get a private room once you reached the 100th floor.

"Yay! A private room!" Gon yelled as he flopped down on his new white bed and sat down on it. "Now, we won't have to worry about money and lodging!"

You giggled as you and Killua followed him. You sat down next to him while Killua sat down on chair next to the bed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Killua said as he raised his index finger. "If you drop below 100s, you'll have to check out from this room."

"A world of difference seperates making it to the 100s and staying in the 100s. The 100th floor is like a ceiling." Killua explained. "Once you passed it, you'll get special treatment. So everyone focuses on holding their spots. Some people will do anything to stay in the 100s."

Killua stood up and looked to the window. "You can waste a lot time on them." He said and looked at the two of you. "Be careful, the two of you."

You and Gon narrowed your eyebrows and nodded. "Okay."

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now