Chapter Twenty One : Reuniting with our Friend

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~Chapter Twenty One : Reuniting with Killua~


Killua walked on his mansion's hallway with a glad mind as he thought of his conversation with his father. It was like the normal father-son conversation, except this is their first time to talking to each other like that and other than that, he, for the first time, got the permission to finally meet his friends.

As he was walking, he stopped as he was blocked by none other than his paranoid mother with his quiet younger brother on her side.

"It's no use, Kil. Those four left." She lied. "Get back to your cell."

Killua narrowed his eyes. "No way, I'm leaving."

"Kil!" His mother yelled, dashing towards him but stopped half-way when she saw his eyes.

Killua was giving her a cold death glare. "Out of my way." He ordered.

Killua walk pass through her and Kalluto and kept walking out, leaving his paranoid mother in a state of shock and for some reason, proudness.

"Oh, Kil..." She muttered. "Your eyes are so cold now..." She said as he watched her son walk away from her, coldly.


You were all following the girl, who finally introduce herself as Canary as she said that she will take the three of you all to the butler's office to use a phone that connects through the mansion.

You were currently being carried behind Kurapika's back because earlier, you tried to stand up, you kept stumbling on your own feet too much so Kurapika insisted to carry you on his back. Of course, you refused his offer thinking it might be a burden but after a long argument, you eventually just sighed and got om Kurapika's back.

You all stopped as Canaria stopped walking and pointed to the building that is pretty far away. "That's the butler's office." Canaria said.

"That building?" Leorio said as he put one of his hand to his hips. "It's still pretty far away..."

"Hey, Canary..." Gon called, making Canary turn around. "Wouldn't you get in trouble if bring us here?"

Canary close her eyes. "They already know what I'm doing." She said. "So I'm prepared to take the consequences."

"Canary." You called as she turned her attention to you. You smiled slightly. "If you ran into trouble, we'll take responsibility."

Canaria looked at you and turned around. "No." She said as she kept walking. "I'm merely guiding Killua-sama's friends."

You all looked at each other and proceeded to keep following her to the butler's office.


Killua arrived at the butler's office before the four of you and was instantly by a butler.

"Killua-sama, we've been expecting you." He said as he opened the door for Killua.

"Gotoh, where's Gon and (Y/N) right now?" Killua asked, excitedly. "You do know, right?"

"Canary is currently taking Gon-sama and (Y/N)-sama here." Gotoh replied. "Along with their two other friends."

Killua smiled widely. "Really!?"

"They will be here for a moment but for now, why don't you wait inside of one room here?" Gotoh suggested.

Killua nodded. "Okay." He said as he entered the butler's office.

Killua turned around to face Gotoh again. "Gotoh." He called.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now