Chapter Twelve : Phase Three The Fifty Hours

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~Chapter Twelve : Phase Three : The Fifty Hours~


"Ah, where's the bathroom?" You asked, Kurapika who was reading a book.

Kurapika pointed to the room on the side. "I think that is." He said.

You smiled at him. "Thanks!" You said as you walked towards the room.

Kurapika smiled at you and nodded, going back to his book.

It's been two hours since the six of you were stuck here. You decided it's best if you change clothes since you're all gonna be stuck here for two days.

Once you entered the bathroom, you took out something out from your bag, a spare clothes. But it's the kind of clothes that you can only wear inside a house.

You came out of the bathroom after changing your clothes and Kurapika, being the close one to the bathroom, first saw you. He widen his eyes in awe with a tint of red in his cheeks. You stared at him confuse.

"Hm? What is it?" You asked.

"N-Nothing. Don't mind me..." Kurapika said, going back to his book. "She's too cute..." Kurapika thought

You hummed in confusion and walked towards to Gon and Killua who was to busy playing with Gon's fishing rod.

Gon was the first on to see you and, like Kurapika, he widen his eyes in awe with a tint of pink on his cheeks. Killua was facing away from you so he haven't seen you yet.

"Hey, Gon. Like this?" Killua asked, holding the fishing rod. When Gon didn't answer Killua looked at him, annoyed. "Well? Is this ri- where are you looking at?" He said as he looked to where Gon was looking and blushed immediatly where it stopped.

"(Y/N)!?" Killua exclaimed. "Why did you change your clothes!?"

You tilted your head at the side. "What's wrong with it?" You ask. "Were gonna stay here for two days right? Plus, this is the pajama Yumi-san always prepare for me." You said.

Killua shooked his head. "T-That's not the point!" He thought, blushing red as he looked down at your slender (S/C) legs and blushed deeper.

You sighed and walked towards them and sat down between Gon and Killua. "I don't get it..." You said. "Anyway, where's Killua's skateboard? I thought Killua is going to teach us how to use it." You asked.

Gon snapped out of it and scratched the back of his head. "Ehehehe...Earlier, we got scolded by Leorio because when I was using it, the skateboard flew away and almost hit Tonpa-san..." Gon said, blushing. "Sorry..."

"Oh..." You said, disappointed but smiled. "It's okay!" You said as you looked at the time and yawned. "Anyway, let's go to sleep! I'm tired!" You said, stretching.

The others agreed as the lights turn off. You took a pillow and head to a different couch. Gon looked at you with disappointed eyes. "Eh? You're not gonna sleep with us?" Gon asked while Killua looked at him, face red.

You smiled. "Yeah. It would be kinda awkward to sleep in between two guys..." You said, awkwardly. "So, I'll just sleep in this couch instead!"

"Really..." Gon wondered. "Okay then." He said as he lay down on the couch with Killua.

You also lay down on pillow in the couch that you chose and covered yourself in a blanket. Then, you close your eyes.


Few hours of sleeping, you can hear Gon and Killua laughing and a tiny bits of laugh from Kurapika. You sat up and yawned. "What's happening?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now