You Can't Get It Out Of Me

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You can't help but to let loose the roars of laughter that you fail to subdue. You sit with Dan's phone in your grasp which shows scenes of an adolescent Dan playing a cardboard keyboard trying his best to mimic the chords of the song playing. His not-so-cared-for quiff looking like the aftermath of an explosion, bobbing along to the music.

Little did he know, the 'funny video' that you had been told to watch by many was his first attempt at a song - that had happened to have been posted onto YouTube. Every now and then he would hold a glare towards you every snigger and giggle that caught his attention. You secretly wanted him to know what you were smugly giggling at but you knew that his little secret was not so secret any more and would be the end of your very existence if he ever knew.

"What are you giggling at?" He finally asked, no longer containing the curiosity within himself.

"Nothing." You slyly smirk knowing damn well he doesn't believe you.

"It can't be nothing if it's making you laugh so hard."

You purse your lips in an attempt to hold in your laughter keeping your eyes occupied with the screen in front of you. The video was now on the climb to the climax, Dan was now well and truly into the song, the effects of the video making your face red and your eyes water at the ridiculousness of the video.

Before you know it Dan is heading in your direction taking a seat beside you. Your reflexes kick in and you automatically pull away the phone out of sight of Dan, for your sake.

"Let me see." He groans, pouting his bottom lip like a child.

"You won't find it funny." You reply making up an excuse on the spot (which is slightly true). Having enough of your excuses he lunges for the phone clambering over the top of you, pulling out the earphones as he does so. And at the worst point possible. The music fills the silence and his voice projects from the phone right at the chorus.

You want alchemy right out of me...

You watch as he freezes and widens his eyes. The tomato colour reaching his cheeks makes you almost snigger, you're in for it now. His mouth is close to your ear and nonchalantly mumbles something.

"Get that off right now."

You deviously smile at him having a plan in your head that would be ideal for humiliating Dan. You escape his entrapment and skip around the tour bus lounging area with Alchemy on full volume mumbling the catchy words that have been etched into your mind. You're never letting this go.

Immediately he springs into action and chases you around the tour bus. Your intention is for everyone to hear it, like a town yeller crying out the news. You reach the 'social' part of the bus where everyone is sitting on their phones, screens illuminating their faces, but however are now focussing on your strange and erratic behaviour. As soon as they realise the song playing they laugh before joining you, embarrassing Dan even more. By now, he's standing at the doorway watching you all dance away to the unobtainable phone held in your hand.

"C'mon Dan, do you not know this song? Surely you'd want to join." Sniggers Kyle.

"I'd rather die." Dan replies. It's not hard to notice the smile tugging on Dan's lips that he's trying so hard to hold back.

The song slowly fades to an end as well as the dancing and within a minute the atmosphere dies down and everyone is back to their initial activities. You're left standing in the middle of the room being stared down by Dan who's hands are resting on his hips and his head disapprovingly shaking from side to side.

"Seconds?" You reluctantly ask, pushing your luck. He immediately intervenes like it was a natural reflex.

"No way. Give me my phone back you've been on it long enough."

Instead of putting it in his hand he offered, you place it safe in your back pocket convinced that he wouldn't dare reach for that particular area. You fold your arms in a smug way and simply stroll past him leaving him with his hand outstretched.


After the daily commotion had died down you search for any left over food that the boys hadn't scavenged already. Nothing but a half-eaten sub left unwrapped in the fridge. Boys. You had been notified by the driver that you wouldn't arrive at your next destination until another 3 hours. Great. With nothing to eat and nothing to do you stand trying to conjure up an idea that would occupy your time on this bus.

You're brought out your thoughts when large arms wrap around your shoulders and someone's chin resting on top of your head.

"Yes?" You ask with a coy smile spread across your lips. You know it's Dan, his scent no stranger to your nose.

"Can I pretty please get my phone back?" He whines, treating you nicely for once, only because he treasures his phone more than you.

"Hmmm..." You tease spinning yourself so that your faces are inches apart. He still hangs his arms around your neck giving off the idea that the nicer he treats you the quicker he'll get his phone back. However, he's too predictable.

"Don't think so." You smirk. You return his gesture by wrapping your arms around his torso giving him a gentle squeeze. When it comes to Dan's personal belongings he'll walk to hell and back to get it back, especially if it's his phone. His phone is his life, everything he's ever created is saved on one device and you could feel the power radiating off the phone now that it was in your possession. You've always been a sucker for dominance.

His Cheshire Cat smile widened as an idea popped into his head, making your awareness on full alert.

"Y'know, Kyle told me something." He gleamed.

"Oh really? Enlighten me." You reply, with sarcasm going unmistakably noticed. He brought his head closer, bringing his lips close to your ear so much that they'd brush off the tip, and his voice low and - honestly - quite seductive.

"Not until you give me my phone back."

Your cheeks redden, hormones driving you insane as your lips forcibly pull into a smile. Admittedly he approached the dilemma he's in quite well, he obviously knows what makes you crumble...embarrassingly, it was him.

"Oh..." He continues, "and you're blushing." You immediately hide your face deep into his shoulder and mumbling a quiet 'fuck off' as his chuckle only makes you weaker.

"But do you know what? I'll tell you anyway." He exclaims, his hands starting to slither down your figure, from your shoulders down to your waist. Assuming that he doesn't actually have anything to say, only making up an excuse so that you would trade his phone for the gossip he has, but unfortunately for you, that wasn't entirely the case. Kyle certainly has been talking.

"A little birdy told me something about you. And it was quite surprising." He evilly sneers, devouring the power and control that his teasing has on you. You know exactly what he's talking about and you remind yourself that you'll be having quick word with Kyle when this is finished with.

It all has to do with that drunken night when you stumbled in completely knocked out your senses. You have no recollection of the night but it all came flooding back to you when Kyle, who had annoyingly been sober at the time, mentioned a few facts that even yourself didn't know.

"Let's just say I know who you like."

His hands were threateningly close to the place where you would never have thought he would have the courage to go. From your waist, down to your lower back and into the back pockets of your jeans placed slap bang in the middle of your bum. You were so caught up in the moment you didn't care whether he had the phone for not, you only cared about the fact that he knew your little secret and used it to his advantage. Your face is well and truly red.

"I fucking hate you." You mumble from beneath his shoulder that you had taken refuge in. It would take eternity for it to subside.

"Hm, that's not what I heard..." He chuckles.

He holds you close in a rather more friendly hug than what that hormone inducing hug was before.

"Don't worry..." He whispers planting a kiss on your cheek. "Your secrets safe with me." He walks away adding a little wink before he completely disappears. Just to add to the raging hormones already inside you.

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