Just Get It Out of Me

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Continuation of You Can Get It Out of Me

Fooled you once, shame on him. Fooled you twice, shame on you. Fooled you three times? No, that won't be happening.

The teasing is non-stop, not only from Kyle but from every single member working alongside Bastille. You just have to put on your mask of pretence and convince everyone that the jokes and teasing is something that's easy to shrug off, but truth be told it's really not. Generally, it's horrible and your endurance is wearing thin. Dan doesn't seem as agitated about it as you are, he never is, in fact he's participated like it's competition to see who can annoy you the most. But surely, after daring to go to extremes of teasing you on such ways that he might feel something for you, but no. Nothing. Or at least that's what's coming across.

It's getting to you like you wouldn't imagine and considerably more than you allowed it to, but the worst of it is it's not only the teasing, it's what you feel towards Dan. He has complete control over you whether he knows it or not. With what he does to you, you don't think you can bear it for another second. You can't look at him the same...ever again. Everything that happens between you and Dan is all platonic, there's always a hint of intimacy and you fall for it every time. He was right; it is going to take you a while to improve on repelling against his charm...but how?

After what seemed like a lifetime of travelling you finally reach the hotel beside the venue Bastille are supposed to be performing in. You head straight to your hotel room with not so much as ignorance towards the bullies, where finally you're secluded from everyone else, silence is your best friend. Having unpacked and prepared for the dreaded night out with the lads you skim through channels of static that the Tv projects at you as the adversity of the lack of signal seems to follow you. You heave a frustrated sigh, not only because of the TV not working but because of everything else that has happened. You only came as support for your friends, not to get picked on.

Soon, your door emits three heavy knocks and only reluctance is holding you back from answering, it could just be the guys pulling off another joke.

"Hey, it's me. " Dan's soft voice mumbles through the door, waiting for you to welcome him in. But you argue against doing so, he's only here to tease me again you think. Staying as silent as possible, you limit your breathing, restrict all movements and hope that he'll assume that you're not in.

"I know you're in there." He softly mumbles again releasing an airy chuckle. God damn him. Giving in, once again, you open the door coming face to face with him already relinquishing to the desirability of him. How does he do it? You know from experiences that to avoid his trance you must keep all eye contact to a minimum, or else all defences will come tumbling down. You come away from him, allowing him to let himself in and close the door.

"Are you alright?" he asks. Wrong move.

"I'm fine." I'm not.

"Come on, you can tell me." He persists. You chew on your bottom lip debating with yourself whether to tell him that you're sick of the teasing, tired of pretending that you don't care, detaining your inner feelings for him because you fret of what others might think about you, or lie. Like you always have. Suddenly there's a hand on your shoulder: the first of many steps to his strategic scheme of trickery. He calls your name, effortlessly rolling off his tongue while he searches for your eyes. That's step two.

"Do you maybe think that you can be inconsiderate sometimes?" You snap, giving him the eye contact he wants. Instantly his brow furrows, oblivious to what you're talking about but you don't have a problem of filling him in. "It's gone too far now." You further explain. He's grasped on now, giving you a look of realisation and confusion, only two of many, and sighs letting his breath hit your face. It takes every ounce of will-power to reduce the tension in your body when he grips both your shoulders in a supportive embrace, if you weren't discussing the issue you face now this would where his seductive words would play their role.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it bothered you." His all-so innocent voice allures your belief to presume that he's telling the truth. He begins to soothingly circle his thumbs around your shoulders consequently provoking goosebumps to appear, a part of the familiar routine you've experienced before.

"It does, Dan, and what's worse? You don't understand what you do to me, for all you know it's some sort of joke. They don't tease me for the fun of it, they do it because it's the truth. You of all people should know that." You blurt out without thinking. Silence treads heavily in the air, it makes you bite your lip in regret for snapping at him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you like that." You take a step away from and place yourself onto your bed with your fidgeting fingers being the centre of your attention. What displeases you is that he follows suit, he sits beside you with no space inbetween.

"Don't be. I should be sorry. Kyle told me about that night you stumbled in drunk, he doubted what you said because you were intoxicated but I guess it was something too serious to joke about. I didn't realise how much you liked me." His voice slowly fades out of uneasiness, facing forward to save you from the embarrassment of seeing your flushed cheeks.

"A lot." You unintentionally confess. You notice that when you're alone with Dan you seem to speak before think, humiliating yourself with your bewilderment of his presence. You close your eyes and purse your lips, freezing with the mortification that ensues from your bursts of declaration. This is not how you imagined expressing your love for Dan would be like, it was never supposed to be this awkward. The moment's tense, you feel your lungs crumbling into themselves and you suddenly feel the urge to jump out the window and end it right here right now.

"We should go, the guys must be waiting on us." You pounce at the door, begging to change the subject and leave this all behind, but the way Dan grips your arms back tells you that he's isn't willing to drop this as much as you are. You internally groan but you subdue the urge to walk away.

He turns you around and pulls your body closer to his, like he did before, holding you in a tight embrace. His hands have interlocked themselves behind your back and you find yourself cocooned by him. His forehead is millimetres from touching yours and you're so close to losing the distance separating you. His smirk is visible in your peripheral vision as you stare deep into his eyes sensing that maybe this time, it's no joke and this could be genuine, but your lack of trust for him is averting that idea. You can feel your breathing intensify causing major discomfort for your hormones as they rage through you.

"Do you think that that the only reason I do this is to tease you?" he mumbles, his breath fanning your face. God, how his low and groggy voice causes a silent scream to emit from your mind. Gently, you nod your head, so did he feel something for you?

"Hmm, let me make it a bit clearer for you."

His hands snakes their way up past your hips and attach themselves onto your cheeks, supporting them with his loving touch. Next, he bows his head so that your noses are getting in the way of each other and you're certain you can feel the tips of his lips touch yours, mocking your desperation to kiss them. You feel your eyes droop all the while you're leaning closer and closer to him. You're so damn close, you swear that if he repeats what he done last time, it will be the end of him.

Thankfully he doesn't. His lips are firmly pressed against yours in a slow and passionate kiss that it allows you ravish the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You open up to him as he does to you empowering you to generate a satisfying moan into his mouth. You both seem to support the idea that less is more and it's exactly what you go for. His velvety lips skim across yours in a synchronized dance and it's perfect. He's perfect. Dan is the first to pull away, adding a few kisses as he draws back, his hand sliding from your cheek to your waist while you still remain to have a fistful of his t-shirt. Simply put; you're dumbfounded, your mind in a complete hypnotic trance caused by the man standing before you. This is what you waited for after suffering the taunting of others about your confession that goes misunderstood for an act of alcohol intoxication rather than spilling the truth.

"Did that clear things up for you?" He whispers, directing that seductive smirk at you. You nod, too staggered to respond, or stand for that matter as your legs have betrayed you as they buckle beneath you, relying on Dan to keep you up.

"Maybe I should play Alchemy more often if this is what it leads to." You joke. His eyes widen with mischief and his reflexes kick in, tickling you at your sides. Squirming with the electric sensations pulsating from your waist, he's too strong for you to wriggle out of his clutch.

"Not a chance."

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