Nights Like These

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A/n: A little Will ficlet, as requested. Hope you enjoy!

After what's worth of six whole months of pain, agony and torture, it's finally over. What seemed like millenniums worth of waiting for just one person has now came to an end and knowing this couldn't take the weight off your shoulders any more than it already has now. The news that has gossiped itself into your ears is genuine, he's coming back. Your very own Will.

Exactly six months ago, Will's career had him steering from country to country, dancing here and singing there, performing gigs until their energy had been completely burned up by their efforts to entertain. It's what they do best. But now, you can have him back. For the time it takes for another tour to be announced you will have him all to yourself, every night snuggled up on the couch with the end credits of a film rolling across your TV screen and your bodies intermingling were the times you ravished most. You remember very clearly that before bed he'd cradle you in his arms, plant a soft kiss on your forehead and effortlessly carry you to your bedroom to spend the rest of the night together in each other's embrace. Those were the things you were looking forward to.

However, not only has the news spread to your ears but to many others, and unfortunately for you they are fans, waiting, just as patiently as you are at the arrival gate. It would take a good 10 minutes before you will actually get to see him after the mass amounts of fans dispersed around the 4 men that have lost the privilege of privacy over the years of their successful career. But you're patient, only you will get to spend those nights with him and not them.

One scream then you know. They've arrived. You maintain your composure and the urge to sprint and find him immediately under control. Saving the best for last. Through the crowd you see glimpses of his tan face obviously soaking in some sun while away in luxurious countries where the weather is more favoured than it is here in England. His smile sends your heart racing, soon that smile will be in front of you, soon that smile will be because of you and soon that smile will have a contagious effect.

With the crowd content with the pictures and signatures they receive they disappear in all different directions leaving only you to take your turn. You can see him helplessly searching for you. A feeling a trepidation washes over you as the insecurity of not being noticed sidles into the back of your mind. Of course it's a busy airport, and there are far too many people around for your liking that you almost lose him again and again. But suddenly, and thankfully, he sees you and his pace increases, his fairly unkempt beard clinging to his chin. Within seconds his arms are coiled round you in a vice-like grip, squeezing whatever air is left inside you after he took your breath away. Claustrophobic but comforting. A feeling of closure as to how much he's missed you, how much he's longed to be in your presence again, just like how you are with him. God how you've missed him.

You can feel that protective hand caressing the back of your head that makes the scent beneath your nose replace oxygen. His lips edge their way closer to your ear and whispers...

"I've missed you so much."

You missed him too but you're too caught up with realising reality right now and how it's granting you favours. You pull back, now getting a full zoom-in view of those luscious eyes of his, illuminating in their glory.

"I missed you too." You inaudibly mutter but it seems it was enough for him to hear, causing him to plant his lips onto yours. You've longed for an ecstasy-like feeling to metastasise through your body and course your veins. This is what you feel now. Kissing Will It's all that it takes.


Neither of you could separate from one another, even for one second that he was out of your peripheral view you'd go searching. You admit it was a little desperate of you but neither of you seemed to mind. You notice from the corner of your eyes whenever you get up to make a cup of tea or go to find a snack that he always has his eyes on you to some extent. You know, but he doesn't know you know.

It's one of those nights. The kind where you feel like you've disintegrated into the blankets and can't be separated from the significant bond you've made with the blankets. The TV blares sounds of action and emits bright lights that are too sensitive for tired eyes. But more importantly, you have Will right behind you, his arm supportively draped around your waist like he's never letting go. Every so often he would extend his neck to kiss you on the head and every single time he did, the reaction would always be the same; blushing to your hearts content.

You're fully aware of your consciousness fading away from you and you don't hesitate to let it disappear completely. You'd know that somehow you'd magically teleport to your bed when you woke up.

Will quietly mumbles your name but you don't give a response, you continue to peacefully breathe. This is when he comes into action. Slowly, but steadily, he snakes his arms under your restful head and under the crook of your legs and lifts you up with his supportive arms like you weighed nothing. You can hear his heartbeat echo into your ears at a steady pace sending you into a sleeping trance. You know what comes next.

You begin to feel the softness of the bed below you and you slowly sink into its embrace, devouring you in comfort. However, it's nothing compared to the velvety kisses than Will gives to you; forehead, nose, lips, everywhere. It wakes you up but you are not bothered by it one bit, in fact you kiss him back harder.

"Were you really asleep....or did you just want me to carry you to bed?" He seductively groans. find it seductive.

"Hmm, both." You reply, subtly giggling at your own remark.

"Sneaky." He grins. He joins you in bed himself feeling little on the sleepy side. His body is pressed against yours and you can't possibly ignore the way he hides his face within your hair, breathing it in. The thought of it makes you giddy inside.

In times like these you often debate with yourself who is luckier to have who. Often, the argument favours the side that debates that you're luckier to have him - which you agree with most of the time. But more importantly, you're happy to have him and he's happy to have you.

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