Bite Down Pt. 5

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"Who. Am. I. Talking. To?"

You bite down hard onto your tongue upon realising your fatal mistake. But, do you regret it? No one bit. Slowly, he comes stalking towards you as his fixated eyes fade into that blood red, radiating a hostile aura that sends your mind into defense mode. Before you can even blink, he has you pinioned to the wall in a vice-like grip cutting off any circulation in your arms. In sheer panic you can only writhe in his clutch as he tantalises you because he knows that you're method of escaping is miserably failing.

"You're going to wish you hadn't said that," he grumbles lowly as his head cranes down towards your neck. You know what happens next; he gives you that tormenting paralysing kiss and it freezes your muscles entirely. He chuckles lowly while he holds your limp body tightly in his grasp. You've become vulnerable now that you no longer control your body, you've become his puppet. Holding you by your strings with unlimited control. He brings his head up, lips brushing the tips of your ears. Oh my...

"I'm so tempted," he whispers seductively. "You provoke me. So fucking much. And to answer your question..." He glides a hand down the face of your cheek. "I am Daniel Campbell Smith, a 117 year old vampire with a low tolerance for patience. I created you and you will obey me and only me. Do you understand?" His hand coils itself tightly around your neck and with more pressure comes less oxygen. There's nothing you can do, under a paralytic state your body defy's your triggered defence response and lays there motionless. You don't know for certain what he'll do; whether he'll stay true to his actions and eventually kill you, or tease you. Teach you a lesson which will ensure you never cross the line again.

"P-please," your lips stutter, struggling for breath.

"'Please' won't cut it. Not this time." In a haunting smile he bears his sharp fangs ready to once again tear through your skin. You prepare for the unendurable pain, clenching your teeth in the hope that it'll get you through it but you know you don't have a sufficient pain threshold. Tears stream down your face scared witless that this time you won't survive...and the chances of that happening are likely. It'll only depend on whether Dan really wants to kill you.

He's hovering over your neck breath prickling your skin, tantalisingly anticipating the moment to strike and bite down hard. He has his arm hooked around your useless body in support of keeping you up, but he's digging his fingers deep into your sides, and it seriously hurts. Whimpers have made their way to your voice, becoming audible to his ears even under the pressure applied to your neck. Great.

"This'll teach you not to ever antagonize me again." There's a moment of utter silence where the world stands still and time stops.

Until he sinks his teeth deep into your neck.

Your voice produces an deafening scream as a wave of insufferable pain shoots through your entire body like an electrical impulse. What's worse is that it's twice the torture compared to the first time. It soon becomes unbearable and you can feel your conscious slipping from you by the minute. This is it, your long-awaited death at your arrival. There will be no more you living on this planet. Think of your poor mother, father, friends, everyone you ever knew will have no idea what happened to you. No evidence of your body, especially if in this part of town where it's a graveyard to anyone who comes across it. No full understanding of your death.

And it's all because of him.

Just before your eyes black out completely you can feel Dan eject his fangs, even then, it's a suffering in itself. The numbing of your muscles has settled and you gain control over yourself again but the weakening effect has you crumbling to the floor. Well, if it wasn't for Dan holding you up.

His face appears inches before yours and a devious, blood-stained grin plasters his face. You watch as his eyes change back to normal and penetrate yours. You want to slap that stupid face of his, but your limbs are too weak to cause any real pain, even then you still wouldn't have the courage to do it.

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