The Unsociable Party Pt. II

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After the events you experienced tonight, you leave with a smile on your face and a new contact on your much-relied-on phone. You arrive home late at night, still trying to wipe that smile off your face as your mind struggles to let go of the memory that you made only an hour ago.

Your first kiss - couldn't have been any better than what you imagined it to be like. Especially, around New Years; it's the most magical kiss you could encounter. You can't wait to tell your mum about how being 'unsociable' can really get you somewhere, here's hoping that Dan would continue to keep in contact...


The morning greets you with sun rays acting as your alarm clock. You gracefully stretch making a contrasting demonic sound projecting from your throat. Oh well, no ones here to hear it. For a couple of minutes you lie there getting used to the waking world when your phones lights up and alerts you of a text message.

Hey it's Dan from last night, just making sure this is the right number

You jolt up from your bed and reply instantly. Feelings of delight surge through you, completely ecstatic that he texted you first. This has never happened to you before. After all your loneliness and isolation you have taken sanctuary in has now begun to fade away. Could Dan be the one to release you from your bounds? You certainly hope so, come to think of it a friend sounds nice. You place your phone down thinking that you would have to be patient on receiving a reply but your movements are interrupted by the sounds of your phone. It's Dan. Again.

Great! Are you free today?

You don't need a mirror to know that there's a grin going from one ear to the other on your face. Of course you're free today, what have you got to do that's better than spending the day with Dan? Having knowing him for only a night, you admit that you are unsure of whether you'll be seeing a different side of him, but you're not willing to give up an opportunity to see him again.

You arrange a place and time to meet up and instantly you prepare yourself for the day ahead making sure that you're looking your best, and more importantly better than what you did last night. Well, you don't want to scare him away, there's nothing wrong with putting on an extra coat of mascara.

You share the news with your mother reacting to your expectations. She's happy for you, of course, maybe just a little too happy. Throughout your breakfast she continuously advises you of the do's and don't's, and to be honest, you're kind of glad she did. You knew none of this - simply because you have never experience a 'date' before, and the more you think about it the more anxious you become. With an attractive guy like Dan, he'll have done this plenty of times.

You try to remain calm and collected before you leave, remembering the wise words your mother said to you. She wishes you luck when you leave to meet Dan.

You see him sitting, looking just as anxious as you are at the corner table looking out for you. You manage to grab his attention with the best smile you can put on having a similar smile being fired right back at you. He genuinely looks happy to see you, like seeing an old friend for the first time in a while. You take a seat composite him remembering to take out your earphones and stop whatever music you have playing. Dan takes a glance at your phone and upon seeing the album cover of your favourite band illuminating, his eyes widen and that small smile becomes enlarged.

"You listen to them too? That's wicked. I love them." He gleams. You nod your head in agreement, stifling your giggles at his dialect. He seems different to the persona you met with last night, but nevertheless, you're still glad that he didn't forget you.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to - it just caught my eye and...y'know I thought-"

"It's fine, I love them too." you smile.

For the next 3 hours you continue to discover more about yourselves, realising that you had more in common than you anticipated. You kept in mind everything your mother advised you to do, but with him, it comes naturally to you. His presence makes you feel comfortable, talking with him is as easy as it gets.

"Hey do you want to take a walk? I know this park that's not too far from here." He offers. You gratefully accept his offer and head off with him. You can't help but notice how relaxed and chilled he seems, like he's repeatedly following a routine on how to pick up girls. And you're one of those lucky girls.

"Listen, I just want to thank you for last night. I never really enjoy parties like that and you... just made it easier." You incessantly ramble, scorning yourself for your poor word choice. It sounded so much better in my head. He only peers down at you comforting you of your awkward statements by bearing his white teeth in an adoring smile.

"It was my pleasure." A slight rose colour escalates on his cheeks as if remembering last night, and in no way seemingly feeling like it was a regret. His hand searches for yours cocooning it with his much larger hand. You welcome it by giving his hand a gentle squeeze and you unavoidably notice how conveniently they fit into each other.

In no time, like Dan had mentioned, you both reached the park, trees bare from the leaves, frost ever so delicately decorating surfaces with it's fragility and beauty. Dan walks further ahead embracing the scenery before him, taking in everything that benefits its appearance. The never ending path leads you into a sea of trees, benches parked every 20 metres or so. You can only wonder what this place looks like during the summer. In the distance you see a small stream flow eloquently beside you, on the brink of freezing over.

"I used to come here with my Gran a long time ago before" His sentence was cut short by his nostalgic emotions. You envelope his hand in yours in a supportive embrace in an attempt to cheer him up.

"It's beautiful." You whisper, the cool air vaporising your breath.

"So are you."

Your breath catches in your throat and your lips slightly part, in shock that he'd compliment you in such a powerful way. You hold his gaze as he bashfully bites his lip. Oh God Almighty. You can feel it. You can feel the pull that draws you to his attractive features, you can feel how much of an effect he has on you. All of this convinces you of the only outcome that's plausible; you may have feelings for Dan Smith.

Gaining composure he takes a swift intake of air, lips stretched into a smirk. "You know why I enjoyed last night so much?" he asks, you only reply with a shake of the head, words escape your mind which is too busy focussing on trying to process his compliment. "It's because I got to do this..." he leans in, slightly twisting his head to the side and once again it happens. You let it happen, you let his lips meet yours and become completely lost in the moment. His hands instinctively coil round your waist as do yours around his neck, further sinking into the kiss.

You both simultaneously pull away, lips still craving that buzz of the kiss. You're slightly flustered and cannot contain the euphoria surging through you, and by the looks of it, neither can Dan. The smile plasters that both your faces makes it obvious that there's nothing to hide about how you feel about one another. Saying no more, he simply slips his arm around your waist as you venture further into the sea of trees.

Maybe you should get out more, you never know what it could result in; maybe even a relationship.

A/n: Sorry this part is a little late, I've been busy focussing on exams and keeping my other story going as well, but it's here! If you haven't already please check out my other stories!!!

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