Bite Down Pt. 6

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"I would've chosen you anytime."

Your big, blue eyes bore into his with a wash of disbelief swimming through you. Having only known Dan for a couple of days, it baffles you as to how he can make that assumption when A: he hasn't met your ex-boyfriend or your ex-best-friend to make that decision and B: can compliment you undeservingly especially with the ignorant attitude you've shown towards him. For a split second a thought runs ragged in your head, one you can't ignore. Maybe he really is just looking out for you. But why? And why you? What significance do you have to him? What's the point in all of this?

"Why?" Your voice comes out quieter than intended, but still he manages to catch on. It's almost hard for you not to notice the rush of blood colouring his cheeks as he turns away, bashful no doubt. Sometimes you wonder what goes on in that funny little head of his.

"I''re..." You watch as he struggles to find the right words, uncertain as to whether he really can't find the perfect word or is too anxious to say what he really means. You wait in anticipation, leaning closer ever so slightly.

"Intriguing," he finally says. Your bemused gaze catches his, a look of pride displaying across his structured face. For a split second your eyes skim over the soft smile on his lips before immediately switching back to his bright, blue eyes. That contagious smile takes effect and momentarily a smirk forms at the corner of your lips. It's only then do you realise how the heat starts to slowly crawl up your neck being this close to him.

"How so?" You pursue, raising a quizzical eyebrow at him. He runs a hand through his rugged hair, so sleek and black as night that the suave look only seems to suit him and him only.

"You're different. You evolve differently to other vampires that I've known but...I haven't figured it out yet." His eyes thoroughly examine your face, curiosity riddling his. But beneath the curiosity there's something much deeper, something that inexplicably has your stomach flipping to an uncomfortable degree. "As much of a pain the arse you can be, you're alright. Tolerable." He smirks.

"Tolerable? Aw, Daniel, I'm touched. That's the nicest thing anyone has said about me," you proclaim, sarcasm dripping off your words. Thankfully, Dan laughs along to your strange humour and it's almost baffling as to how you can feel yourself finding solace in his sonorous, throaty chuckle.

Moments like these only ever appear in rare occurrences in which Dan seems less volatile and more...human. Even this conversation is one of those few blissful moments where your mind subconsciously forgets the thought of entrapment and replaces it with a sense of sanctuary just being with him. For a maniac with an acute lust for blood, he has his moments of normality. Glimpses of his personality manifest through the most negligible of things: his slight smile, his twinkling eyes, the way he fidgets with the multiple thread-like bracelets on his wrist accompanied by the hard-to-miss calculator watch.

Dangerous thoughts begin to lurk in the darkest parts of your mind. Thoughts that you should banish considering whom they involve but the thing are completely incapable of doing so.

"So this 'different' then: is it a good different or should I be worried?"

"Nah, nothing to worry about. You're probably still going through the phase of denial."

"Yeah? Well no shit. And don't expect it to subside anytime soon because I don't think I'm ever going to get over the fact that you turned me into a blood-sucking demon. Who could?!" You throw your hands in the air with exasperation. Dan releases a loose chuckle, interlocking his arms around his knees and hugging them close to his chest.

"I'd say you had it easy."

You turn round and shoot him a look of utter disbelief. Easy? HAD IT EASY?

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