A Little Favour

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A/n: I've just let myself have no word limit. So here ya go. A 2000+ imagine.

Finally, your day off has arrived. Surrounded by a mountain of duvets, blankets, pillows, cushions and all sorts of comforting things, you now have the entire day dedicated to watching netflix and stuffing your face with junk food. Because why not...it's your day off right? These days only ever come once in a blue moon, so you're not going to let an opportunity like this get ruined by anything or anyone. And that's that.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

But as it turns out, you can't even have two minutes to yourself before someone rattles that bloody front door of yours. Who is it now? Debating whether to ignore it or not, you remain stationary. However, whoever is at that door is being annoyingly persistent and the door keeps rattling on, clearly desperate for your attention. You even think that the door might come off its hinges if they don't stop. Grudgingly, you tread over to the front door swinging it open immediately giving whoever a face that'll make them regret the unwise decision to disturb you on your day off. However your face softens when you see your best friend Dan standing there is a breathless panic.

"Hey Dan. What's up."

He doesn't respond, only to barge past you into your home. Something's up. He's never usually this agitated about something. Nor rude...

"I need a favour. And I mean a really big, massive favour. It's actually the difference between life or death."

You give off a snigger and squint your eyes at him. He's never one from theatrics so he must be desperate. However, you nod. You'd do anything to help him out. How bad can it be?

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Hold the fucking phone.

"Er excuse me?" You simply reply, not believing your own sense of hearing. You didn't quite know how to respond to such a question. You can even feel your cheeks slightly redden at the thought. Your best friend of god-knows-how-many-years has asked you to be their girlfriend. You don't know if you even feel that way towards him, and you're pretty sure he's never felt that way about you like that either. Yeah, he has his charms but it'll never happen.

"No-oh god that sounded bad. I mean, like, temporarily. Just for tonight. I kinda lied to my mum about being not being single and I know I am but I felt like I just had to comfort her and now she wants me to bring this 'imaginary girlfriend' to the family party tonight. But the problem is I don't actually have a girlfriend, the only person I know who is a girl yet also a friend is you, so pleaaaasssee help me. I'll do whatever you want me to do after it, all I need you to do is pretend to be my date for this party."

Finally, he takes a breath. You stand there judgmentally with your arms crossed contemplating this whole situation thoroughly. Think how weird it would be, think of how you would have to act towards Dan and vice versa. Could it even work? You don't know if you're entirely comfortable with deceiving other people that you're in a relationship with Dan when you're not. You and Dan have never been more than just friends with each other and you didn't think it was possible to be any more than that. Crossing that borderline would just be...absurd. But here he is, basically down on his knees begging with those unforgivable puppy eyes which makes you think; would he have done this for you? Probably. After what seems like hours of contemplating, inevitably making Dan on edge, you inform him of your decision.

"Oh all right then. But you owe me big time."

"YES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST!" He engulfs you in a massive hug and squeezes the life out of you, swinging you through the air. Jesus, you can't breathe.

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