Things Will Get Better

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The tornado that dances around your living room leaves a mess where it trails. You've done everything in your power to tame it as it covers every inch of the flat, but no matter how hard you try, it always beats you in the end.

"Dan please stop this." You plead, standing helplessly in the middle of the mess around you caused by Dan's outrage. The man you've grown to know and love has became something you've never wanted to see and didn't think for one second that his temper could reach extreme potential. His shy and considerably cute personality has morphed into rage and something monstrous. The trust bond that you made between the both of you has been broken.

And you broke it.

You didn't mean to; no way did you mean for that man in the bar last night to drag you home, no way would you have let this stranger into your shared house if sober. But that was the problem: you weren't. That man took advantage of your failing body and mind and received information that wasn't meant for him.

If it wasn't for Dan being home, that man could've done a lot worse than a peck on the lips or a squeeze to the bum. You passed out before any of the real commotion happened and the stranger was violently ushered out by Dan who, instead of joining you in bed, slept on the couch.

"What the hell were you thinking bringing back this man who, as though by the looks of it, could've raped you?!" He screamed making direct eye contact with you, only making you feel worse about your drunken actions.

"Dan, I never intended for this to happen, okay? I was drunk, I couldn't control what was happening." Your slightly less than timid voice spoke up, in argument with Dan.

"Can't I trust you to go out without latching yourself onto other men?"

"That is not what I was doing! I do not latch onto other men, who d'you think I am? Some sort of slut or something?" You bite back slightly more enraged than before. How dare he. You have devoted yourself to him, waited the equivalent of a year in total for him to return from his tours doing God-knows-what while he away probably getting drunk also.

He doesn't reply, annoyingly. You want to get his opinion out his head, you want to know what despicable acts he claims you of doing because you already know he's wrong. You've done no such thing.

"I don't even know anymore. I mean, how would I know? You could've been away drinking and partying with other men every night while I was away on tour." He states folding his arms.

The nerve he has.

"How dare you! Am I not allowed to accuse you of the same thing? Can I trust you? What happened last night was a mistake, you and I both know that. And if you know that, then you would also know that I would never betray you like that. I've stayed loyal, Dan, because you mean the world to me and I couldn't cope without myself if I lost you. So don't you dare blame me for something I would never in the right mind dream of doing."

You've had enough. All of a sudden you feel these four wall enclose in on you and you need out, out of the heated and tense air around you. You needed away from Dan.

You storm out heading in any direction your consciousness directs you in for you have not a care in the world to where you lead yourself, as long as it's far away from Dan.


After spending 9 hours away from the house you decide that it's finally time to head and face him once again. Having a slight change in mood and attitude to the whole situation, you reluctantly knock on the door having left your keys accidentally, you were so angered that you didn't bother with anything while storming out. You knock again, but louder, knowing that Dan has deliberately left you standing there. You know that from living in this house for a year that a silent knock could be heard from every room inside the house.

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