The Assistant

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Surely there must be a limit to how many times you check all your equipment before you leave. Yes, everything's there. Yes, you have already quadrupled the amount of times you've check that everything's there. God, what is wrong with you? Maybe because your first day as a personal assistant has rung it's alarming warnings through your head. But this is your big break. No more crappy cafe jobs where the customers seem to think you have no real goals in life. It's now or never. Checking your appearance one last time in the mirror, you dust off the coating of fur of your dog off your mid-length pencil skirt. You also make sure you pull up your loose blouse, determined not to be interpreted as provocative. You don't want to be defined as the office slut. Your long blonde hair cascades down your back as you glide a comb through it one more time. Until finally you're ready.

Your roommate wishes you luck as your only pair of expensive heels click their way out of the door. There's no turning back.

It's okay, you'll be fine. Yeah, keep telling yourself that...

You are extremely glad you got the job though. Apparently the boss liked you, well, you don't know who the boss actually is. The department manager is the only face you know at Smith incorporate. You have been made fully aware of the regulations of the behaviour you must show towards the boss. Apparently he doesn't take too well to unacceptable attitudes in the work place. He's a perfectionist,  outright, lean, and a bit intimidating as rumoured by your department manager. You're hoping with every ounce of positivity that you won't cross paths any time soon within your probation period. But if he liked you, then there's nothing to worry about right?

You hunt down the bus that takes you directly to your work. It's full, but you spot that one hidden seat next to that guy at the back. Generously, he gives up his bags spot for you and you kindly thank him. In your periphery, you can see him scanning your incongruous uniform.

"Big day?"

Naturally, you smile at him.

"Yeah. First day at the new job. I'm kinda nervous." You admit. You look over to the guy sitting uncomfortably close to you for a stranger. You don't blame him though the bus is packed. The first thing you notice are how his blue eyes light up at the sun, emphasising the vibrancy of them. And his hair; clean cut and shaved to perfection. He's actually rather cute in his baseball t-shirt and his rather scuffed converse.

"Oh. Where at?" He continues.

"Smith incorporate. You know the big glass building right in the middle of the business complex? You can't miss it." He nods. "Well...there."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. What could go wrong?" He nudges you slightly, trying to stimulate the positivity inside you again.

"Apparently the boss isn't exactly too lenient. I'm worried I'll fuck even the tiniest of things up and he'll fire me there and then."

His eyebrows drop into confusion and his lips pout out to say that he disagrees. Pfft what would he know.

"Really? Didn't think he was that bad..." He defensively murmurs.

"He's probably a pompous arsehole mind you, but you never know." You sigh.

You notice the glass building reflect the blinding light of the sun. It's your stop. As you go stand up and head towards the door, the stranger follows suit.

"Oh it's my stop too, don't think I'm following you or anything like that..."

You kindly smile at him and proceed to get off the bus. You turn around to the stranger before he walks off. You're about to bid him farewell before he says one last thing to you.

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