A Little Favour Pt. II

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With a firm grip on your hand he guides you to the empty kitchen. You think that because of a lack of witnesses, there'd be no reason to keep up with the act. But for some reason, and you can't think why, he still treats you like you really are his girlfriend. But unlike what you expected it to be, it's not awkward at all.

He disappears into the crowd as he hears his name being called, leaving you by yourself. You pull out your phone and, being hit with an element of nostalgia, you scroll through your messages to the beginning of you and Dan's friendship.

But something doesn't add up. The more you look at it, the quicker you realise. The very first text he sent you was your name...but...?

"Kyle gave me your number by accident." 

All in one second, your breath hitches upon revelation. Your heartbeat increases and your palms start to perspire. If he claims it was an accident...then how did he know who he was texting? The sudden realisation has your muscles frozen and for a moment you forget to breathe.

Did he...? Did he intend to start talking to you?

It's a possibility surely, but why lie about it? You now feel a sudden urge to confront him, but now's maybe not the time. Also the fact that you don't have the social mobility with dealing with that sort of awkwardness. You can't quite tell for sure whether Dan has realised his little plot hole in the lie. Anyhow, there's only one way to find out.


Hitting all the buttons at lighting speed you quickly phone Kyle and you're greeted with a slightly groggy voice. Probably just woken him up by the sounds of it.

"Hi, Kyle. It's me. Quick question. Do you remember giving Dan my number?"

"Uhhhhh I think so? I don't know...maybe...why?"

"Was it by chance an accident or did he ask for it?"

"What do you mean by accident? Preeeettttyyyy sure he asked me for it. He seemed really desperate at the time, said it was 'an emergency' or some other. Wait why are you asking again?"

"Doesn't matter thanks Kylie!"

"Don't call me Kylie."

"Sorry Kylie. Bye Kylie!"

And with that, you hang up with a definitive answer. Wow, Dan must've really wanted to start talking to you. It fills you up with a sense of glee, a certain tenderness of feeling affectionate almost. A sentiment triggered by feeling wanted by someone. That someone being Dan.

With a cautious stride you mingle back into the crowd trying to locate Dan among a sea of faces. You don't know anyone here, and you weren't really intending on getting to know people since you probably won't be seeing them ever again so surely Dan's face would stick out like a sore thumb to you. But knowing your luck he doesn't.

You're suddenly yanked back by a gentle force as a hand coils around your arm. You whip your head around to meet Freya, Dan's mum. Oh no, you're going to have to face her alone.

"You alright dear?" She asks, holding her glass of Prosecco within the curve of her aging hand.

"Yes I'm fine thanks. Have you seen Dan? I can't find him."

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