Guardian Ghost Pt. V

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Finally regaining consciousness you awake in the comfort of your bed. Your head's spinning and you take a minute to regain yourself before daring to move a muscle. It's eerily quiet, no noise can be heard from at least 5 metres within your perimetre...where is everyone? You have no recollection of what happened before you were knocked out, how you even made it to your bed you're uncertain. So many questions zoom through your mind all at once; where's Will? Where's Dan? Did it work? Are you still cursed?

You arise from your bed and decide to go investigating. You look left and right before leaving your bedroom, cautious of anything surprisingly jumping out at you. You decide to take a risk and go downstairs where people are most likely to be. Despite everything looking how it should be, there's something glaringly obvious that you're missing. It takes you a couple of minutes and the cue of a cool breeze to brush over your face to give you a reminder. Then it hits you like a slap to the face, of course something doesn't feel right. Dan. His ghostly presence doesn't send shivers down your spine like it usually does, your sixth sense has escaped you and you can no longer feel his ghostly entity anymore. Does it mean that it worked?

"Dan?" you whisper hoping that you might get a response, but to no avail silence is the only thing audible. Confused, you travel further down the stairs and the closer you get, the more you can hear the other children laughing along with the talkative and gossiping social workers. It sounds like they're having fun, completely oblivious to black magic and curses flying around your bedroom to what seems like just moments ago. The thought of it makes you snigger a little, did that all just happen?

Upon reaching the entrance of the main living room, your head social worker, Helen, greets you with a troubled expression riddling her face. She calls your name gaining your attention.

"Are you alright? You look a bit pale." She observes, you nod your head and shrug off her concern. Pfft, what is she're always pale. You wander off and follow the source of laughter coming from the garden where the rest of the kids are, playing happily with one another. The first person you notice is the horrible boy who came to threaten you earlier in your bedroom, that was until Dan scared him away. Weird, he seems...normal? Like he hadn't witnessed - or have any recollection of -paranormal activity happening in your bedroom. He turns to you looking you directly in the eye and your heart stops beating momentarily. But he smiles, giving off a cheerful wave before going back to playing with his friends. That's not the reaction you were expecting...

What is happening?

Ever since you woke up, everything seems to be out of place. A parallel universe that you've woken up in where nobody refers to you as 'freak' or 'mentally unstable', it has you considering that maybe, maybe, everything you did experience: Dan, Will, the curse, was just a dream. But it seemed too realistic to be a dream, but what other explanations are there?

There's only one way to confirm your suspicions. Quickly, you race back up the stairs to your supposed cursed room and rake through it all, searching high and low for any evidence that would prove to you that Dan was not just a figment of your imagination and that you really did have a life threatening curse affecting you. You remember his diary, an object he treasured dearly and contained his life story. If only you could find it...

Nothing. After hours, not a single clue. Not one piece of evidence found to prove Dan's existence. Nor Will's for that matter. The lack of any proof is what motivates the doubt in you, questioning the existence your paranormal imaginary friend that protected you ever since you were only a child. The only inevitable conclusion you could come to after your futile search is that your solution of breaking the curse worked. Either that...or you would have to forget that the whole thing ever happened. But you'd rather not do that, the memories of Dan and Will are too vivid in your mind for you to shrug it off as some dream you once had. There has to be a truth in it somewhere.

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