All This Bad Blood

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Downtown Brooklyn. One of the most dangerous and roughest areas in New York. And you just so happen to live right in the middle of it. The middle of town and the middle of it all. And by all you means the crimes, the gangs, the violence, you can never quite escape it. But luckily for you, you have mingled with everyone living in Brooklyn, made yourself known and acquainted with the gangs granting you approval and most importantly respect from everyone. It's the only way you find apposite to get by without causing any conflict or committing any crimes yourself. Of course, crimes still do happen at least five times a day and people do get killed. But, as selfish as it sounds, if you get by safely and make it to the end of the day, then it's not any of your business to intervene.

People often refer to you as an 'advisor' weirdly. You seem to have a fair amount of knowledge of each gang having known who they all are, so when youthful and rebellious 16-18 year olds come to you asking you for advice on the right gang to join, you know exactly who to send them to. The only way you find yourself gaining respect is by doing members favours: could be the occasional small loan to which they were always loyal in paying back, could be to get them out of trouble by clearing the air between rivalling gangs, it could be anything. But you could never get involved in a gang. Doesn't bode too well with vicious men and female members, plus it would also abolish any agreements you have with opposing gangs.

Among this distinctive culture there is an hierarchy along with a constant battle to be the top of that hierarchy. However that spot is taken up by a gang with a notorious reputation for violence and getting yourself mixed up with them is a suicide mission. Despite being rather close with their ringleader, Charlie, you tend to keep at the sidelines.

But today, Charlie was acting different. His domineering and usually authoritative demeanour is replaced by something you thought he wasn't capable of; fear. Running around in a blind panic, he approaches you and upon seeing him wallowing in fear, it makes you quiver with dread. Something is clearly wrong. You're talking about the ringleader of the most notorious and vicious gang in Brooklyn...whimpering.

"Charlie you're scaring me. What's happened?"

"It's not happened yet. It's going to." he shudders. The fear is clearly there; the wringing of his hands, the constant need to be aware of his surroundings, the rapid breathing. He can't let anyone see him like this, threatening to be discreditable, so that's why he's come to you discreetly.

"What, what's going on? You need to tell me so I can help. Is there someone you want sorted out?" you offer, however his only response is the shake of his head.

"He's coming. That manipulative son of a bitch, he's coming."

"Who, Charlie. Who?"

"Dan Smith. He's only the most fucking merciless and powerful man I know. He's wants to form an alliance of some sort. I don't know. He wants a lot of us to be there, and...fuck, if we're not then something bad will happen. That man is dangerously unpredictable."

"Who does he want?"

"Me, most likely. And about 5 other ringleaders in Downtown Brooklyn and Vinegar Hill, plus some from Bronx. Also he wants a few others who know the area well to attend. So in other words...I really need you to be there."

You look to him with wide eyes, taken aback at the fact that you'd be considered for a meeting about a culture you don't even include yourself in. It's terrifying to think that for one; Charlie is scared out of his wits about this man, two; you are unaware who he is what this guy is capable of, especially if he's demanding you to be there for this alliance.

"Promise me you'll come. This can't go wrong or so help us all we'll be begging for our lives." He pleads. There's something in the back of your mind that questions whether he is exaggerating or not. It seems that, due to your lack of experience with Charlie's inner emotions, you don't know if you should go along with the extremities that Charlie is enforcing. Can one man really make a whole town quiver in fear of him? Apparently so.

With arrangements sorted, a posh hotel is booked in Manhattan provided by Dan himself. Half an hour away. Charlie informs you of the attire; formal so he says. It's not to everyone's pleasure, but still, they have to accede.

In the lead up to the alliance, you decide to find out what you can about this man and what makes him so intimidating. So you ask around. So far, you've heard a range of rumours, uncertain of whether this is part of a speculation that only enhances his scandalous reputation. From violent incidents involving broken bones, hospitalisations and even death, to extreme torture as punishment for the smallest of reasons. This guy has no limits in his actions, but worst of all...he has no regrets.

On the day, Charlie drives you up to Manhattan informing you that the others will make their own way to the hotel. Upon arrival it seems that you two are the first to arrive having turned up 10 minutes earlier than expected. You're both waited to the private mezzanine where you await at the large oak table, the silence suffocating you. You and Charlie don't have to wait long before the other ringleaders arrive, some you recognise and some you don't. Some friends, some enemies. A little detail becomes glaringly obvious that you've noticed that makes you extremely uncomfortable; you're the only female. Being surrounded by largely built and dangerous men, you can only feel that you have no real purpose here and that your defence is slowly deteriorating.

You can sense the tension growing among the ringleaders awaiting Dan's arrival. Beside you, Charlie sits with his hand close to his face, nibbling on his nails and continuously pacing his leg up and down anxiously. You however maintain your composure and place your hand on his knee, trying to calm his nerves. He looks to you looking for a sense of comfort and takes a breath.

"Did...did something happen between you and him? What is it that makes you so scared of him?" you whisper, as other men mingle amongst themselves, some drawing you disapproving looks.

"There's a bit of bad blood between us. A couple of years ago, killed my brother. Right in front of my eyes. Didn't even show any remorse whatsoever." His voice was starting to crescendo with each second that he talked about his memory. You feel like you want to remain mannerly by containing your curiosity as to how, but as if reading your mind he explains anyway. "My brother...he on the wrong side of Dan after unintentionally sleeping with his girlfriend. The girl had been cheating on Dan but Kyle had no idea that that girl was even relate to him in any way. If Kyle had known who he was messing with, he would've removed himself from the situation immediately. Once Dan found out, he made it his priority to track him down and unleash hell. But...uh...u-unfortunately-" He clears his throat. "-Dan's vast network of people allowed him to pinpoint Kyle's whereabouts in seconds. He was walking on his own grave everywhere he went. It was only a matter of hours...and once y'know he found him...he did not hesitate before forcing that bat onto his skull. Over and over and over..." His voice hitches slightly, your cue to rest your hand on his shoulder. "Last time I saw Dan, he was covered in my brother's blood. So there. That is why I am terrified beyond belief."

You sit in silence, gulping at the image that Charlie must've seen. You regret even asking now that tears lines his eyes. He quickly wipes them away before any of the other ringleaders see his vulnerability; they'd only interpret it as a weakness. You're about to console him, when you're interrupted by two security guards standing either side of the chair at the end of the table. Everyone slowly rises to their feet in respect and you follow suit, inhaling and holding your breath. The doors are then opened to reveal a tall man dressed in what you guess to be a very expensive suit. He doesn't appear intimidating, but that's just first impressions. It will only probably take a matter of minutes before second impressions settle in and remain.

"Welcome." He gestures for his guests to once again resume to their seats, however he remains standing. He scans the room with his piercing blue eyes, individually victimising people as he makes eye contact with everyone in the room. His eyes land on you and stay motionless for more than a second longer than everyone else, your guess being that he is surprised to see a girl here. And that's when you feel it; the chills up racing up your spine forcing you to give a manifesting shudder. His lips curl up into an evil grin before he continues talking.

A/n: Part two on the way, had to make it separate chapters because it was getting too long. I don't know where this came from I just...I dunno. Tell me what you think ;)

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