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Arriving 20 minutes before your shift of 9 long, unbearable hours begins, you clock in, take your designated seat at the staffroom table and sip away at the hot brew in front of you. The shop below you is - in your opinion - the only half decent music shop in town. Stocked with instruments, equipment and extras varying from all brands, shapes, sizes, and colours imaginable. Not to mention that you replenish your shelves weekly, which takes an agonising 3 hours to complete but is completely worth it when you get the best ratings.

As you make your appearance on the shop floor you see your manager already in and preparing for the day ahead, isolating the guitar section to organise a gig for a new band who's sound seem to be discovering peoples ears. Your manager, Charlie, has reminded you time and time again that this particular day could mean everything, okay exaggerating maybe a little bit, but is still important to the shops reputation. With the little amount of time you've had between working and studying for uni, you did manage to research this band, genuinely interested in what the hype is about them and despite the little amount of songs available, they don't seem to be bad. In fact, as the time approaches you gradually begin to lose the patience to see this little foursome of a band. It's like having your own free, up-close-and-personal gig.

Charlie appoints you of the responsibilities and duties that have to be withheld throughout this event which consists of serving and aiding the band with anything that's necessary, also upholding a sense of professionalism.

"It's all about precision and courtesy," so he says. "You never know, this band might become worldwide and we wouldn't want them to forget this shop."

You, on the other hand, couldn't care less whether this band make it to the number one spot on the charts, just as long as they enjoyed their visit then that'd be enough to satisfy your service.

Just as you are making last touches the door chimes, indicating the arrival of Bastille. You're manager motions for you to attend them and help them set up.

"Hi, welcome to Bassline music store. You guys must be Bastille, yeah?" They all nod their head in agreement, one by one introducing themselves to you and vice versa. You take a brief moment to acknowledge their appearances, and you can say with most of your confidence that they are quite cute in their own unique way. Woody; his teddy bear face hides beneath his sandy coloured hair obviously noticing a slight habit to flick it out of his face. Will; his stubble is prickled along his jawline complimenting his dashing face. Kyle; his height has you feeling like a mouse staring up to a face with button eyes, decorated with styled facial hair. And last but not least, Dan. Well, you can certainly say that it's not impossible to miss that head full of hair. His cute features catches your eye, and seemingly you catch his.

You formally approach him asking if there's anything that you can assist him with. Tea? Coffee? Help? Assistance?

"Tea would be great, thanks." He shyly mumbles. "Oh, also, do you have a spare glockenspiel? Kyle has left his in the studio." He chuckles, giving Kyle a death stare. You don't hesitate to give him your brightest smile and a nod of your head. He gleams back at you, laughter lines making there their appearance alongside his eyes. Oh god. He's cute.

Gathering all the necessities needed for their performance, not forgetting their tea, you stand by and watch them prepare. You're genuinely quite excited for this as they do a quick warm up, giving you a quick preview of the gig. Charlie sets up the camera and stands beside you, joining you on participating as an audience. He gives the foursome the go-ahead and they begin. The slapping of the knees slowly builds up a beat to a song you recognise and instantly you gleam, your memory reminds you that this was the song that got stuck in your head. You stand by the doorway listening into that Apollo-given voice and the harmonic accompaniment of the others that benefits the performance. It's raw, with only the needs of a tambourine, guitar and a glockenspiel it creates this masterpiece that's so satisfying to listen to. Your focus is heavily situated on Dan, effortlessly projecting his voice like its his life-long profession. The more you pay attention to him, the more you realise how much you have a thing for big Afro-haired men with collars and jumpers.

Before you know it, they're finished. Dan steals a glance at you contagiously placing a smile on your face. Charlie cuts the footage and immediately you deliver them a well deserved applause. The four of them appreciate the feedback as you absent-mindedly compliment them one after the other. They all show their appreciation for your compliments individually receiving a small nod of the head, but Dan, he approaches you with a smile wide on his lips, his arms outspread you already know what he's going for. You comply with him and return his hug resisting the urge to squeeze him ever so slightly. His scent has your eyes rolling into the back of your head because oh dear god is it good. He may have stayed there for longer than he should have but who are you to complain? He pulls back realising the amount of time standing in your embrace. You watch him, clearing his throat and staring down at his feet like they are the most interesting thing in this room.

"Dan, that was amazing, your voice is amazing!" you exclaim, now suddenly feeling the need to compliment him more. He chuckles, mumbling something incoherent to your ears but you assume that it was a mumble of thanks.

"Well, thank you for generously lending us your glockenspiel, could've been a lot worse without it."

"It was no problem." you smile, glad to be able to contribute to his assistance. Before the conversation could resume you hear your name being called by your boss, Charlie needing your help for whatever reason. You shout back telling him that you'll be with him in just a minute.

"Listen I need to get back to work, thanks for letting me watch. It was really great." You smile before wondering off to find Charlie. You don't even make it to the doorway before you're pulled back gently by a hand coiling around your arm. A hand that belong to Dan.

"I was going to say, if you really enjoyed that, then you're more than welcome to come to one of our gigs later on in the week, we have more songs believe it or not." He chuckles, rather adoringly you notice. There is no way on hell that you would ever think about turning this down, sign me up!

"Wow, thanks I'd love to! Here, I'll give you my number and you can text me the details, okay?"

His smile brightens as well as the twinkle in his indelible cerulean eyes that could keep you imprisoned for as long as you live. You keep your word and give him your number as you promised before bidding him farewell and continuing on with the rest of your shift. Just hours after their departure - and the return of your glockenspiel - you receive the sooner-than-expected text from Dan giving you the details of his next gig. Wow that was quick.

VIP and backstage pass included just for you, you're welcome ;) x

Hm, maybe you do care whether this band reach the number 1 spot on the charts or not.

A/n: Sincere apologise for the shitty chapter and that I haven't updated this in a while. I've just been going through this block that I'm still trying to get over. (PS I started writing this ages ago way before tourman Charlie was introduced so I called it.)

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