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Hi yes sorry this isn't an update but I just wanted to say thank you.

This 'book' or whatever you want to call it, has reached 30K views as well as 1K favourites. I'm absolutely amazed by it. I wanted to thank you guys, especially those who have been here from the start (for almost three years running!!!) for the lovely comments and the likes I've received all of which I feel like without them, I wouldn't have been motivated to do more. So, from the bottom of my heart thank you. Genuinely.

Also, I have plenty of more on the way so don't think this is the end! I have exams next week so I'll try to update soon, but I can't wait to get exams over with so I can get back into writing again. Here's a list of things that I should hopefully be releasing soon.

Bite Down part 7 - I haven't forgotten, I just want to make it perfect before I publish it
Room Service part 2 - you guys really seemed to enjoy that one (😏😏) so I'm doing another part
Someone's Daughter part 2 - another one you guys seemed to enjoy so part 2 is on its way
Shame on You - continuation
As yet untitled - Kyle. That's all I have to say.
As yet untitled - someone's took home the wrong jacket
As yet untitled - its about time we did another Will imagine don't ya think?

Bastille ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now