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A/n: This one is really long, so prepare yourself. It's based on the song La Lune by Madeon but unintentionally morphed into Laughter Lines, whoops! Hope you enjoy it! (The title means the future in French...if a French person would like to clarify that for me lol)

You don't know what it is about lying under the glistening stars speckled throughout the cloak of darkness that makes it feel like a dream. Maybe it's the lack of that radiating orange of the street lights that suffuse the towns and cities, replaced by the illuminating brightness of the moon. Or maybe that it seems to lure you into alienating yourself from the ruckus of the city, forming your own dream bubble and expanding it to your desire.

Or simply because Dan is always right by your side to enjoy the night sky with you.

Every opportunity of a clear night that you get does not go to waste. You could stay in the exact position under the adolescent oak tree for possibly 5 hours straight, even if it is into the early hours of the morning, and become mesmerised by the natural beauty above you. You and Dan's bodies have moulded themselves into the grass, outlining your bodies perfectly like fitting a puzzle piece into a jigsaw. This place is unique to you and Dan only. It's the place where you can stay awake all night, plan the future you have in mind with each other, and - unforgettably - the place where you experienced your first kiss together.

It's use is simple: to provide you a spot to relaxingly dwell on your past, to peacefully bestow you with scenery that's worthy of taking your breath away, and to give you the opportunity to dream to your hearts content. You willingly let your mind go out of your control. With Dan, it's already like a dream sitting here in his company. For hours you could talk and talk and never get tired, hours of your life have already been lost talking about anything past, present or future. And for what it's worth you love it, you love being here, you love him. Every single individual night that you spend with him holds something dear to you and consider every night significant to your memories to reminisce from 30 years from now.

The more time you spend with him, the more the relationship between you becomes stronger. Ever since the age of 8, you and Dan have been coming here bonding with each hour that passes by under the night sky. And now, 8 years later you still find it hard to resist this habit. Here, you feel like the element of time doesn't exist, 8 years worth of figuring out your future with Dan feels like nothing, although it means everything. You've planned so far in advanced that you're almost certain that it's possible; plans of buying a quiet cottage surrounded by scenery as beautiful as the scenery that surrounds you now; the jobs that you'll have; the pets that you want to own; the hobbies that you want to pick up. The list is endless.

As another chance arises to sit under the clear sky you take it, advising Dan that he should also do the same. You go through the greeting routine; a quick hello, a hug, then the spectating begins. You both lie there hand in hand complimenting the art above you.

"I can never get used to this." You state, letting your breath vaporize away into the cool air. Your eyes are glued to each flicker of light that performs their little dance. For a brief moment you focus on Dan lying beside you looking as beautiful as ever. You see the reflections of the stars in his eyes almost appearing as though he has diamonds in them. He turns his head when he notices you staring at him for too long causing a slight blush to colour your cheeks. You don't turn away, only to look down at your hands that are intertwined with one another, glad to be where they are.

"I love being here," he sighs. "With you." He continues. You nod in agreement and shuffle closer to him, not caring for the grass stains that will be printed on your white clothes. You feel Dan's arm coil around your shoulder and you snuggle into the crook of his neck. You sigh with content and let any uneasiness melt away from your body. All is silent until shaky breathing is heard from above you, followed by an discomforting gulp in his throat. Before you question him he sits up, releasing you from your relaxing position.

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