The Study Session

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You really should be studying. Your one hour sessions of proper focussed studying with 4 hour intervals have decided to end. Nothing is going in, especially if Dan is lingering in your personal space.

"Hellloooo? Please pay attention to me." Dan, your full-time best friend whimpers, embracing his irresistible puppy eyes that still gets to the heart of you. He often uses that to his advantage knowing the effect it has on you. You grudgingly throw your books down off the bed to give Dan that 'you-know-I-should-be-studying' look.

"Hey don't look at me like that, I should be studying too, but I'd rather see you than study. It's why I came over."

You feel a tinge of happiness emit through your body, hiding your face as the symptoms of a hot flush start to appear. You suppress the urge to smile and turn away, trying not to let Dan's flirtatious words affect you. It's been like this for a while, you can't say that your memory has the ability to remind you of when this first started, but it's how you continue to feel when he's around. You suppress it because you're convinced he doesn't feel the same.

"Besides," he catches your attention. "I'm far more interesting than biology." He smirks. Okay, you agree with him on that one. You let loose a light chuckle, finding yourself a comfortable spot on the bed and scan through your phone for any notifications or updates. Nothing. You let out a groan which, by the looks of Dan's face, was unmistakably loud.

"What's up?" He's asks you, turning to face you, legs folded neatly in a basket.

"Everyone's boring." You groan.

"Am I?" He asks, taking the words to heart. He mockingly looks insulted by your words as he clenches his heart in a joking manner.

"Yes you are the most boring person of them all but somehow I still find myself hanging around you." You half smirk. For the past 9 years you've known Dan he's always been one to lighten the mood or always have a plan or idea in mind that would occupy your time. There was never a dull moment that you can reminisce from.

You both sit on your bed discussing the memories you both shared as children, sparking up moments that you wish you could live again.

"Hey, remember that time when we found a tyre swing by the lake? And you were so desperate to have a shot that you literally begged me to push you. I didn't even get to three pushes before the thing snapped and you landed right into the lake." Your roars of laughter fill the room causing trickles of tears to line your eyes. You remember it like it was only yesterday. Dan, however wishes the memory to fade from his knowledge of existence. He was more embarrassed by it than anything, poor boy walked home shivering from the ice cold water.

"Never in my life have I been so embarrassed. You couldn't stop laughing at me! Do you know how desperately I wanted to drag you into the lake to stop you humiliating me?" He groans, folding his arms like a child that didn't get their own way.

"Oh c'mon it wasn't that bad. And besides, you wouldn't have had the strength to drag me in anyway."

You notice a slight smirk tugging on his lips, his eyes becoming alarmingly predatory.

"Oh really?" He threatens, his legs untangle themselves before he begins to creep closer and closer to you. You sense imminent danger and push yourself as far away from him as possible.

"Don't. You. Dare." You grit through your teeth even though you know damn well he won't listen to you. He's on all fours now, on the prowl to accomplish whatever devious plan he devised in his head. Within a sudden movement, his hand coils round your ankle effortlessly dragging you closer to him. Your attempts of scrambling away fails only to be defeated by his strength which just so happens to be the quality you dissed.

You swear you don't remember him being so strong.

To your disappointment he has you firmly pinned. Shit. His body is hovering over your body like a vulture circling its prey. You know what happens next in these situations so you pleadingly beg him to rethink accordingly to your mercy. However Dan is not so merciful as you think, in fact, do you even know Dan at all?

That haunting smile screams, for you, a bad idea. Before you know it electric sensations are being transmitted through your entire body. Your body going into miniature spasms as his fingers dig deep into your sides, tickling you until he's content with the amount of torturing that you've endured.

"St-st-stop! Da-an pl-please!"

Your breathlessness has overcome his temptations to tickle you more, he releases you from your entrapment and you sit up with revenge in your eyes. Vowing to yourself that one day you will give him what he deserves.

And that day is today.

Caught off guard, you pounce at him immediately pinning him to your bed but you stop. Just stop. Whatever plans you have in your head to have your revenge fades after one glance at his face. His adoring face has you under some trance, a trance that takes over your mind and focuses your eyes on the intricate details that paint the picture of his face. He is absolutely beautiful.

Long after the trance had effect on you his smile slowly fades as if he was mirroring you, he too studies your face.

You want to lean down and kiss those lips, you want to show your affection for him and hopefully find out if he feels the same, but you can't. You just can't. You ease away from him and sit with your elbows propped up against your knees letting loose a long sigh. Dan levels himself with you, a confused look riddles his face.

"Do it." He mutters. "Just do it."

You reluctantly follow his instructions and lean yourself up into your knees, anxiously edging closer to him. You feel the air around you becoming tight and you feel your lungs compressing into themselves. You feel like there's an invisible wall between you and Dan stopping you from you want to do. Your face becomes supported by Dan's gentle hands guiding them closer to his face. Soon, your lips meet his.

The kiss lasts no longer than a minute but feels like it lasted for a lifetime. It was enough to satisfy your desires and, embarrassingly, your dreams. You're stuck for words when you pull away.

"I-I've...errr, wanted to do that...for a while now..." His voice slowly fades while his head turns from your direction. You bite your lips craving the electricity of the kiss, you can just feel the buzz on your lips from the kiss.

"Me too." You whisper. It drags his attention on to you, a smile increasingly becoming wider and wider on his face. You've always noticed how his smile has a contagious effect and soon, you can feel yourself gleaming.

He takes your face within his grasp once more and places his lips onto yours with the promise of a stronger relationship between you two in the future.

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