You Can Get it Out of Me

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Sequel to You Can't Get It Out Of Me

He leaves you standing there like a lost child, but the only thing you've lost is your dignity. The embarrassment still has you still searching for your breath after that hormone inducing, sly act of deviousness. He knows. He fucking knows. Which reminds you; where is Kyle?

You storm up the stairs with anger being the fuel to make you stomp with each step you take, if you'd stomped any harder you would've placed a hole in the floor.

"Kyle Simmons we need a word." You threaten him with daggers, sitting with your arms folded directly across from his bunk. He raises his brow at you questioning your moody attitude before he sits up properly and stares back into your eyes, mocking your solemnity.

"And what can I help you with?" He coyly smiles.

"You let something slip didn't you."

"And that would be?"

The nerve he has.

"About Dan! About how I feel about Dan! The one thing about Dan I told you not tell Dan but you told Dan anyway!" You ramble angrily crescendoing with each word you say, but your anger goes misunderstood for comedy as Kyle roars in laughter, now remembering the reason why you're getting on at him.


You don't let him have the chance to take another breath before you automatically pounce at him without a moments hesitation. Your hand is clamped to his mouth trapping any more words of secrecy from spilling out. You swear that if your other hand wasn't forcing down his writhing body then you would've straight up slapped him across the face.

"Shut up! I don't want the entire fucking world to hear!"

His chuckles escape through the pressure of your hand motivating you even further to apply more force to completely shut him up, but you are interrupted by someone who's timing couldn't be more convenient.

"Someone shout on me?" Dan asks, unbeknown to the conversation between you and Kyle. As you are distracted by the appearance of Dan, Kyle takes this moment of to push you way from him still with that evil grin on his face.

"No, nope don't think so." You innocently reply, keeping a careful eye on Kyle before he blurts out anything else that could possibly end your life right there and then. Your heart starts beating a little slower when he turns away, clueless to the cheeky smirk on Kyle's face, but not before he smiles at you and winking before descending down the stairs. You could hear Kyle's cheeky chuckle just as easily as hearing a pin drop, and that's what motivates him to shout out at the top of his lungs...


Within a blink of an eye, Kyle has sprinted towards the other end of the bus to escape the confinement of your torture before you could even process the words being repeatedly blared from Kyle's blabbermouth. No no no no no no you didn't. Within milliseconds Kyle is unfortunately out of your reach and sight, only to be occupied by Dan walking round the corner as nonchalantly as possible, hands buried in his pockets as if the words shouted by Kyle didn't seem to affect him at all. That's what worries you, he's toying with you, exposing your vulnerability and using it to his advantage. Does he even consider what he does to you? The harassment you've recently endured because of your instinctive thoughts towards Dan? The side effects he causes; the acceleration of your breathing, the rapid heart palpitations and the subconscious innocence conveyed through the biting of your lip, all of which you're experiencing now that he's standing no more than 6 inches away from you. 

"That was quite a stunt he pulled." He incoherently mumbles, regarding Kyle.

"Yeah, embarrassing no doubt. Trust me, he won't be finishing the tour alive when I'm finished with him. Just ignore him." You counterfeit a shrug, allowing Dan to believe that it's all a joke, a tease, but for all you know your pretence to not be affected is all an act of deception. He leans back as he chuckles at your threat and you just can't help let his laugh infect your entire system. Before he knew about your little secret things were fine, completely dandy, but now you've been exposed, became a deer in the headlights for everyone to see and have been robbed of your dignity and every little ounce of courage you once owned.

"Aww, look at you. You're all flustered." He casually strokes the back of his finger across your rosy red - and burning - cheeks. Are you? Maybe your acting skills need a boost in skill. You mentally plead him to stop, persuading yourself to take a step out of the close proximity that he has you trapped in, but you find your feet stuck to the floor. 

"I'm not, just mortified." You say, hiding the truth within a lie. 

"I'll tell you a little secret." Dan whispers to you. He leans in, brushes his lips against the tips of your burning ears, and mumbles...

"Y'know, there were plenty of other ways of getting my phone off you, but I wanted a little excitement." 

That's it. You're done. You bear it a minute longer. You're unsure of how much more your eyes can widen any further than they already have. He must be some sort of sadist that takes pleasure in teasing you until your body's malfunctioning, his seductive strategy certainly has you susceptible to his contagious lure.

"You're despicable." 

"And you're cute, but we can't help but be that way." 

You made the mistake of looking into his eyes which are paying particular attention to the features on your face. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't breathe. You shake your in head in disappointment, lacking the impulse to keep a straight face. 

"You need to stop." You smirk, lightly shoving him out of your personal space before he embarrasses you even further which at this point, can't deal with right now. With his quick reflexes he obtains your hands within his and pulls you close to him, hands flat against his chest feeling the thumping of his beating heart which, you notice, is flat calm. What is he doing? 

"Stop what? This?" He kisses your cheek tenderly. "Or this?" He does the same on the other side. 

"I'm beginning to wonder who's pulling the bigger stunt here." You question, now relieving Kyle and letting him off the hook considering what Dan is doing to you physically and hormonally. 

"This is revenge for that little Alchemy stunt. And this is me making sure that that won't happen again. I know your weaknesses." He slyly moves his hands down the length of your arms leaving a trail of goosebumps wherever he goes. He's all so tempting, but he's exploiting you, using you as bait to expose the weakness within you but your certain that you won't let yourself give into him. However your body's battling that idea, it wants him. 

"And they are?" Well, that's you completely lost that battle. Truth be told, you love the teasing if it means losing the distance between you knowing that propinquity would lead you to give in to his temptations. What's going to happen you don't know, but within a matter of seconds his plan of action will take place. 

"Are you really asking that question?" 

"Just so I know what to improve on of course." You smoulder. You are definitely pushing your luck.

"Well then, you asked for it." 

You almost let out a squeak when he slithers his arms around your waist and jerks you closer. You stare up into his eyes revealing nothing but mischief but God are they gorgeous. You subconsciously bite your lip keeping your dry breaths from airing out your lungs as his tight chest is compressing into you. He bows his head so that your foreheads are touching, his breathing noticeable against your flushed skin. Ever so slightly you part your lips as does he, assuming that what he's planning won't include closed mouths, you're so close to him, you can basically feel him.


"It's gonna take you a while to improve on this won't it?" He murmurs, and just like that he pulls away.

"You absolute asshole I hate you." He sniggers lowly before placing a forgiving kiss on your forehead.

"No you don't!" He comically says in a sing-songy voice before leaving you, once again, flustered with your insanity rate rocketing sky high and hormones creating a whirlwind inside you. 

Damn you, Dan Smith. Damn you.

A/n: Fuckboy Dan hell yeah. I'm so sorry, I'm mean. 

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