Mrs. No Friends

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A/n: Before you read this, I just want to let you know that this isn't a fanfic of any kind, just a little insight as to why I'm not updating as much as I should be, and put it into a story context. This happened to me recently and it's kinda gotten me down a little bit so this is all true. I haven't even put that much effort into it. You can completely skip this chapter if you want to. I have another chapter Guardian Ghost waiting to released for you guys soon. So yeah...

Laughter. Fun. Intoxicated. All your friends have such a great time together and it's always a night never to forget. They know how to make a good night. The experience of true friendship comes rare, so you cherish it while you can. Your friends like to openly boast about this true friendship through snapchat as their stories contain drunk dances, shots taken, and it looks absolutely wonderful.

But if only you were invited.

You've been a part of this little group now for just over three months; plenty of time to settle in and surely be accepted as their own. But no.

Having bad experiences with your last group you were sure not to mess it up this time and you genuinely thought you had been given approval. With an intersexual group you feel you have gotten on with both girls and boys, even gained yourself a loving boyfriend out of it. You've made sure to stand with them with any spare minute you get, go out to lunch with them, entertain them while you can. And it surely has made a difference on their opinion of you. Positive, you were sure.

But the betrayal and abandonment you feel when the girls night that was planned didn't include - um, you - all of the girls was way too much to handle. Having been left alone on a Saturday night whilst your friends drink away the night solely crushes you. They still consistently upload their pictures and videos despite knowing how it would make you feel about being left out. Deliberately teasing you. You thought you were one of them, you thought you were considerable enough to be invited to a girls night, you thought you were worthy enough to join in on their do's.

The way the group works is that there are three chats: one for the boys, one for the girls, and the main one for both. You are only included in the main chat. Never have you been invited to the girls chat but your reasoning behind this being that it was never used. How wrong you were. When you subtly suggest to your friend about the party last night that you were excluded from, she only responds "it was just the group thing, only the girls on the girls chat. Not the main chat."

You respond moderately respectively, baring in mind that you don't want to yet again fall out with another group of friends. You ask of her why you weren't considered, expecting a plausible and reasonable answer. Whilst waiting on her longly anticipated answer, you can feel the waterworks coming on, feeling "left out" as you had said to her.

"Don't know why you feel left out, the girls group is completely different from the main one and we've always done stuff together. Even before you starting hanging around and we just want to keep it that way."

You've notice a little flaw in her explanation; you're the only girl in the main chat that isn't in the girls chat. Meaning that whenever the girls plan something on the separate chat, only you will be excluded. Always.

So with what she has said, you have concluded what could only be drawn from your dilemma.

You are not a part of this group.

You're just an intruder, a person that everyone forgets, the change in the original cast. No one likes a change. You know now that you will never be included in anything the girls do as explained by the fact that "it's always just been us and not you." It seemed just too much trouble for them to invite just one person. One lonely person who was heartbroken at the fact that even her friends didn't want to involve her in their social gatherings. Even the boys were shocked and confused when they discovered that you weren't invited.

All that effort put in to make them like you was worthless. No matter how hard you try to convince them, they will not change things for you. Lonely you. Uninvited to every gathering because of the originality of the chat that has existed longer than you have been acquainted with them.

"It's just the way it is and always will be."

You throw your phone onto your bed as your 'friend' finalises her decision. That's when reality sits in and manipulates your hormonal and slightly emotional reaction to the truth. You have no real friends. No real place in their anarchy.

Your boyfriend tries to console you, but his attempts only make you feel ten times worse than first anticipated.

"You don't need friends to have fun and have a good time."

"Well fuck, couldn't you tell I was having such a blast last night sitting on my own?! Great times!" You sarcastically snap at him. This only causes him to get stroppy with you and leaves you to yourself for the rest of the night.

Great. You now have no real friends and an argumentative boyfriend who has abandoned you. What do you do now?

How am I going to be an optimist about this?

Bastille ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now