Room Service

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A/n: Everyone needs a little bit of excitement...right? ;) Ooohhhh fuuuckkkkk what have I done...PREPARE YOURSELF!

Also this is my longest chapter (3000+) WHOOPS. I can't do short imagines anymore. Dunno why. Dunno how I feel about it tbh, i felt like this one needed to be long. Anyway I'm rambling. Enjoy...or not.

In all of your youthful years you've never experienced a bed as comfy as this. Specifically a hotel bed which, now that you think about it, frustrates you knowing that eventually you will have to return to your rock solid bed at home.

So far, France seems like a lovely place with it's glorious scenery of the Eiffel Tower surrounded by all aspects of life, the warm, rejuvenating rays of the sun bouncing off your skin that perfectly coincides with the aroma of fresh coffee imbuing a sense of calm and serenity with every aesthetically pleasing cafe that passes by. It's simply magical.

It's a shame that you barely get time to enjoy it. Especially if you agreed to the idea of following Bastille on their tour around the Europe. With their busy schedule occupying every minute of their precious time, it really does seem that time is of the essence when it comes to sitting back and relaxing. It was your close friend Dan's idea for you to come along, besides, you always have revered to him over the success of his career and his many opportunities to travel the world. So when Dan kindly offered for you to accompany Bastille for a month, you didn't need to think twice before answering. Now here you are, experiencing the Bastille lifestyle.

A quiet knock followed by the timid mutter of your name emits from behind your door. You contemplate about not getting up, and avoid leaving your safe haven to answer, knowing all too well that'll be Dan following Dick's orders and making sure you're awake for the busy day ahead. Over time, the knocks become louder and the agitation in his voice becomes more apparent. You are so not getting up.

Even when you do hear the rhythmic beeping of the door being unlocked and Dan waltzing right in - although you have no idea as to how or why he has a key to your hotel room - you still refuse to get up.

"You. Up. Now."

"Nnnoooooo, " you groan, sinking deeper into the feather-filled double duvet. You will put up a fight if you have to because you are not getting out of bed.

"Now," he commands. But you heard 'okay, another five minutes'.

There's a groan. Then a sigh. Then nothing for a second...before he suddenly whips the duvet off of the bed, leaving the cold air to bite at your exposed body. Instincts from your childhood kick in, knowing that manipulative gesture all too well when your mother would do the exact same thing to you when you slept in for school. Your hand slips underneath your head grabbing the second pillow and without even needing to look, you toss the pillow over your shoulder and successfully hit Dan square on the head.

"OW! Right. That's it. C'mere you," he grumbles, coiling those icy cold hands around your bare ankles and giving them a quick tug, dragging you towards him. Stubbornly you refuse to give in knowing the consequences if he were to have you pinned; you kick and squeal and crawl back and do everything you can to not give in. It only takes him a couple of seconds to realise that his strategy isn't working, so instead he advances on you.

He's on the bed now. Perched on his hands and knees he creeps towards you with mischief glistening in his eyes. You know that look far too well. You know exactly what's coming...

"DAN STO-STOP, OKAY OKAY, PL-PLEASE DON'T. DAN!" You squirm and wriggle under Dan's clutch as his fingers curl into the sides of your waist showing no signs of stopping. He tickles you so much that you're lost for breath and your lungs are worn out from the laughter. Your hand desperately searches for anything that will deflect Dan from this torture. The first thing your hand latches onto is a decorative cushion and with all your strength you drive it into the side of Dan's face causing him to topple over.

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