Underneath The Mistletoe

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Christmas is a magical time for everyone. The joy of decorating your house with festive lights and pinning tinsel around the walls in each of the rooms of your house builds the excitement and anticipation of Christmas day. You always remember the sweet aroma of cinnamon that you're mother always used to bake with, which instantly sparks up a certain memory of the entirety of your family gathered round the roasting hot fire, sipping on the bitterness of hot chocolate. This year will be different as this will be your first Christmas away from your family home and you want to plan something big. You've always associated Christmas with crowded celebrations. It might not be with your family, but at least you have your friends to celebrate it with. You moved away during the summer, preparing for your first year at uni, which, now that you think about it, wasn't bad. You met some new people, experienced freshers week and now, your first holiday since the beginning of university has finally arrived.

The winter slowly settled in over the course of three months, bringing out the unforgivable pumpkin spice lattes in some cafes, shopping centres pinning up colossal Christmas trees with Santa's Grotto's round every corner, the occasional sprinkle of snowflakes as they barely leave a trace, and the best part of it all, the Christmas songs etching their catchy tunes into the minds of people; your entire childhood right there.

Finishing what's left of the decorations passed down from your mother, you hesitantly pin the fragment of mistletoe above the doorway to your kitchen hoping that it will be acknowledged every once in awhile, besides, Christmas isn't special without a kiss or two.

Tonight's the night of the party, you scurry around making last minute final touches to decorations and the copious amount of snacks laid out on the table. Now all that's left to do is get yourself ready. With only an hour to prepare yourself, you struggle to put in that bloody tight red dress your friend picked out for, obviously not knowing your style, however with that being the only decent dress you own you comply.

Within minutes that go by completely unnoticed, the doorbell rings and already a large amount of people have turned up at your doorstep. Putting a brave smile on your face you welcome them in already the party is in full swing. The music blares and people are happily helping themselves to the copious amounts of snacks you laid out from them, realising now that you might need to get some more before the hour is up.

You observe the people around you, mingling with each other, laughing and enjoying the festive delights of your party. With a glass of wine settling neatly into the curve of your hands you sip it gently, leaving lipstick stains around the edge. It's almost 2 hours into the party and seemingly everyone has arrived.

"Great party." Your friend, Claire, mentions behind you. You swing round with a smile on your face and a thank you to reply to her compliment. You can already notice that she has that look to her, that I'm-going-to-victimise-someone-tonight look.

"So, who is the lucky guy?" You smirk, giving her a friendly nudge on the shoulder. Before she replies you can see her eyes scanning about the room, analysing each guy by their looks and measuring how drunk they appear.

"Hm, that decisions still to be made. What about you?"

You do the same, you know who they all are but only one man can grab your attention within the blink of an eye. Only one man you've known to once completely hypnotise your mind with his gorgeous cerulean eyes and his luring and charming demeanour.

Your long time crush; Dan. 

You've known him since high school where back then you were simply classmates. Once the typical shy girl who rarely spoke and sat at the back of the class like she never existed. Often bullied, you weren't exactly ecstatic with the people you were paired with in your class, however Dan was the nice one. He once stood up for you, stimulating the idealised scenario that he would become your friend, but, being the smart and attractive kid of the class, your chances were slim.

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