Hide 'n' Seek

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You don't know why you let Dan convince you to join him on a world tour and let you believe that it would be as fun as he said it would be, because right now, sitting on this very tour bus that you have been held captive in for four long hours, you are going insane. With limited activities to do on this bus other than to sleep, your mind is slowly disintegrating due to the lack of enthusiasm. How each member of Bastille are able to cope with this length of inactivity, you don't know. And strangely neither do they.

"We just kinda do." Dan mumbles, failing hopelessly to answer your question. Within these four hours of constant lounging around you have already cleaned the place, fully recharged your phone twice, attempt to read a book and try to watch a film through the Internet, but since your in the middle of nowhere internet connections are ceasing to exist. You would occupy yourself with one of the portable instruments that one of the guys own but unfortunately they have been packed in the bus boot.

That's it. You are done

"I AM SO BORED." You grumble from the bottom of the miniature flight of stairs, hoping that someone would come to your aid and assist you in your little dilemma. However you get a murmuration of 'same's being fired back at you. Well, you're fucked.

"Dan!" You shout, hearing his reply echo from the main lounging area. You storm in, words ready to pounce at him through your frustrated attitude.

"I'm bored as hell right now and it was your stupid idea to bring me along so you can entertain me for the time being."

You sit composite him waiting for him to spring into action and satisfy your craving for some entertainment. But, he just glumly sits there shrugging his shoulders minutes before returning back to his phone talking to whoever.

"Let's play hide 'n' seek." Kyle spurts out. You disapprove of the idea at first, but with a second thought and the realisation of having enough players, it seems like a good idea that could really pass the time.

"Yes Kyle. Let's do it. Who's in?"

Woody gives into the idea and immediately takes part. With some convincing Will soon participates, and as a team you all desperately motivate Dan into joining as well. To your success, he's part of the game. To make it even more worthwhile you switch out all the lights plunging you into total darkness. Your adrenaline is beginning to pump through your veins at the excitement of the idea, you've become a child once more. How can anyone resist to play this game?

Doing so fair and square, Dan is first to be it. Standing, facing a wall, he begins counts to thirty. Those thirty seconds are the ultimate stimulus to make you panic and hyperventilate, making you feel like you're in the hunger games and it's just begun. You each scurry away to the different parts of the bus and in seconds, you find yourself upstairs where all the bunk beds are. Hm, under the blanket? Too obvious. Bathroom? Too smelly. The slim space beneath your bed? That'll do, he's stopped counting now.

"Ready or not here I come!" Dan shouts, beginning the search for his friends. You internally scream as his footsteps grow heavier and closer up the stairs. You see his feet walking straight past you, holding in your breath for as long as you can possibly maintain. You are in a complete state of panic, your heart is thumping in your ears and the droplets of sweat are rolling down your neck as his feet stop directly facing you. He leans over onto the bed above and pulls away at the duvet to discover no one there. How glad you are that you didn't hide there.

He sighs frustratingly, you can imagine him standing with his hands on his hips thinking of the possible hiding places in this bus. You can think of some yourself, but whether the other guys will have been smart enough to think of the same places, you can't think of anywhere else.

His feet are still within your view until he begins to walk away, so far that thankfully you're are safely able to breath again. Panic over.

Wait, what's touching your foot?

You look down to see a hand coiling round your ankle and dragging you out of your camouflage. You see Dan's body crouched down onto all fours but not low enough so that smug face of his. You know now that you are screwed, you've been caught. His strength is no match for your weak limbs. Screaming and squirming away, Dan hauntingly chuckles at the defeat of your part in the game. You are fully discovered and out of your hiding spot, sulking in defeat. Dan hovers over the top of you with the coy smile stretching his lips. He leans down, lips just millimetres away from your ears.

"Found you." He whispers. You roll your eyes as he begins to tease you of his victory. Before getting off you he plants a playful kiss on your rosy cheeks and offers you a hand up to join him on the search for the others. Thank god it's dark.

You stick together working as a duo to find the remaining hiders. You find Woody with ease as you spot him hiding behind the curtain in the lounging area and soon, he too is part of the search team. It's every so often that Dan would take pleasure in scaring you in the darkness at every possible chance, wrapping his arms around you and growling loudly in your ear. And every chance that arises you slap him with all your might.

You admit it, the dark is pretty scary.

As you are searching for Will and Kyle you are in the upstairs lounging area alone in the darkness, or maybe not? Someone could be in here hiding. With a quick glance at your phone you realise that already half an hour has past since you began the game, although it only feels like 5 minutes.

You are so playing this game on the way back home.

A sneeze brings you out of your sudden realisation. Advantageously, you use your heightened sense of hearing to guide you to the source of the sneeze and within seconds you find Will, lying - rather uncomfortably - behind the couch.

"God it's so dusty behind here." He wheezes. You giggle and pull him up returning back to the main part of the bus to see Woody and Dan giving up and watching Tv. But you don't tell them off for giving up, in fact, you join them. This is the very first - and probably the only - time that the aerial has managed to pick up a frequency to actually project something onto the tv. And it's playing your favourite film.

As the night passes into the early hours of the morning the film finishes and you're definitely ready for your bed, realising that you almost fell asleep on Dan's lap. You look up to see the rest of the guys almost nodding off as well. But something's wrong. Wait, where's-

"Guys we forgot about Kyle."

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