Bite Down Pt. 2

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Part 2 of Bite Down. GUESS WHO'S BACK.

Silence follows as he so casually stands up and ominously disappears into the darkness and out of your sight, abandoning your lifeless body to fade into oblivion.


A rush of awareness shrieks you awake and instantly vertigo shoots to your brain, disorientating your mind and the control of your body. Once you obtain a grasp of things, you recognise the filthy street you were ever so much neglected in just moments after your death.

Wait, death?

Memories come flooding back; your murderer, what your murderer did to you, what he was. You're certain you died, or was it a dream? With the frailty of your fingertips you run them down the side of your neck, and what lies there are two swollen and rather tender bite marks on your neck, clarifying that what you remember was not a figment of your imagination. That vampire was real, your death did happen and you weren't just dreaming it.

Standing up, your head pounds and deafens your ears with pain. All sorts of noises enter your ears at an unbearable volume, every intricate detail of sound makes you able to recognise what where the sound is being made, like your hearings just increased in sense. Your eyes adjust to the natural light, which is weird, because you could've sworn that it was really early in morning where the sun hasn't made its appearance yet. You check you watch which still bears the time: 3:56 am. The night sky doesn't seem so dark, the twinkling of the stars have slithered into your blind spots, no longer existing in your eyes. You face the opposite direction, staring down deeper into the alleyway which you remember being pitch black before being dragged to your death. Now, it's as clear as day. Everything is obvious to see, even the little rat hiding underneath the bins.

Familiarising yourself with your bearings you begin to head back to your initial destination; home. The light of day still holding you under a daze, repeatedly blinking to make sure that it isn't something in your eyes that is obscuring clear vision. In the distance, you hear the snap of a branch and the rustle of leaves almost as though it's right beside your ear, by as you look over to your right, the park is 20 metres away.

You're beginning to question what actually happened while you were unconscious. You've noticed that your body's been enhanced almost, everything's been heightened to a superhuman degree.

Then it hits hard. The smell of blood. It's so immense, it drives your senses to overload, it's just so appetising. You whip your head round to get a better smell at the sudden burst of that glorious scent.

There's no doubt in your mind that what you are is not human. Specifically your murderer has turned you to be something with a particular bloodlust. Your feet drag you towards the scent and it becomes stronger with every step you take, mind now on a craze and desire for this smell to become taste. You turn round one last corner and...

He's standing there.

Mouth drenched in blood, he hungrily stares at you while he drops the lifeless - and most likely innocent - body of the drunkard that he's just drained the life out of. You want the blood, but fear is holding you back. He defensively stands in front of his kill taking ownership for what he's done, his breathing is rapid and his posture is releasing nothing but the sense of hostility.

"Mine," he growls, and instantly, that not so friendly welcome has you running off before you end up like that drunkard. The wind flows through your hair as you sprint off so the luring smell of blood can't be sensed, what has happened to you? You realise now that this will be an everlasting torture that you will have to fight to resist for the rest of your life if you wish to remain as human as possible. What would your friends think if they ever knew? What's going to happen when they grow old and you don't? Suspicions will arise at some point and you know that you'll have to run away, find new friends until that cycle repeats itself, or, in the most unlikely of circumstances, death.

You never asked for this, you never asked to become this monster, but it's what you are now, a monster.

You want to get home and forget everything that's happened on this disastrous night. Eventually your house is in your sight and you fish through your pockets to find your keys. Just as you pull them out, an overwhelming force sends you to the ground, your head colliding with the concrete with a painful bang. You try to move but something, or someone, is pinning you down.

Great, another attack, maybe this time you'll turn back into a human if you're bitten.

You stare up into the heartless eyes of a killer, baring it's fangs in a menacing smirk. There's more than one? This one appears substantially more terrifying than the last, his wan complexion lacks life and his greasy and slightly matted hair hangs down obscuring his face. All you can smell the stench of his alcohol infused breath making you gag at the very smell of it. His eyes are a deep red and are piercing into the very soul of you stimulating fear itself to pulsate through your veins and your muscles to freeze in sheer panic. You're defenceless, you have no self-defence mechanism against vampires. What are their weak points?

"Someone like you shouldn't be walking around this late," he playfully says. "Newborn." He smirks. He knows exactly what you are. And that's what worries you. "Aw, the baby newborn is lost and confused," he teases. In a swift movement he twists your head exposing your neck to him where the two bite marks are. "And a fresh one at that, you're only a couple of hours old. Ha, would you look at that!"

You writhe in his clutch, desperate to get into the safety of your home and away from these demons. Judging by looks, this vampire doesn't seem to be of the merciful type which disadvantageously puts you in the danger zone.

"Please don't hurt me," you whimper. You don't know why you try, reminding yourself of what happened the last time you begged for release.

"Darling, that's the least I can do."

You close your eyes awaiting pain and torture but instead a strained grunt is heard and the intense body weight that held you captive is relieved. You spring to your feet as reflexes kick in and your natural instincts tell you to run, but what you see delays that reaction. Your so-called murderer stands before you with his back facing you, mentally challenging your attacker. Hm, murderer vs. attacker, who'll win?

"Back off Dan. I saw her first," he grumbles, steadily balancing himself on his feet.

"She's mine," he growls, threateningly taking a step towards the attacker. Suddenly it hits you; he wasn't talking about the body he was feasting on as being his, he was talking about you. You are his. He made you what you are. While the two of them argue it out, which results in Dan scaring off his opponent, you cower behind Dan until he turns to face you, a blank expression riddling his face and those lifeless eyes excruciatingly bore into yours. There's some distance between you but it doesn't last long before Dan takes his steady steps closer to you while you remain frighteningly stationary.

"You..." he takes a step closer. "Are..." Your head tilts up as he nears you. "Mine." His body overshadows you, taking official ownership of you. You've noticed that he's slightly obsessive of possession, he's willing to battle it out to prove that. You gulp down the nerves as his hands lock onto your wrists dragging you to wherever he pleases, but inexplicably, you obey. You don't resist his commands for the simplistic reason of that you just can't. His overbearing nature of authority and obsessive disposition forces you to be loyal to him, besides, he made you. He allowed you to live, but the question is...


A/n: DUN DUN DUN, I updated. There will be another part to this don't worry, I wouldn't end a chapter like this. Anyone liking vampire Dan so far?

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