The Assistant Pt. II

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Eagerness motivates you to once again take that lift to the top floor. With half an hour before Mr. Smith arrives, you make sure to fill yourself in with Debbie again. She gives you a quick reminder of the responsibilities of being his PA and the duties you have to uphold throughout the day. You make a mental note to yourself incase you forget or fuck up. What Mr. Smith said to you yesterday about being flawed stuck in your memory. You still want to give him a good impression and do the job intended, meaning that you won't deliberately fuck anything up like he so subtly suggested to do. Just the occasional accidental slip up if it ever occurs.

With five minutes to go you quickly make his tea and set it on the centre of his desk alongside today's schedule. There's two meetings today and you'll be expected to attend according to Debbie, even though you won't have any interest, input or effect on this meeting. You're just there to make notes for Mr. Smith for future reference.

The two minute countdown has started and you feel your nerves getting the better of you. Your hands secrete sweat, your stomach is doing flips and you swear you feel like your conscious is slipping away by the second. A worrying thought buries deep into your mind: what if he's different today? You try to console yourself by remembering what Mr. Smith advised you yesterday, 'don't judge a book by its cover...or reviews in your case'.

Right. He's right. Just be yourself.

The shrill ringing of the elevator echoes through your ears and you prepare yourself, mentally and physically. You brush off any dust covering your skirt and fix the fly away hair rebelling against the rest. You hear Debbie's upbeat greeting first, then the huskiness of his voice following, albeit less cheerful. It causes a wave chills travelling up your spine but you take a breath to maintain your composure. All too soon, you see your boss's face once more.

With a soft smile you greet him and ignorantly he completely skips past you and races to his desk. Maybe he didn't see you...

"M-morning..." You awkwardly mutter, half expecting to be greeted the same way. However, he sits down at his desk and immediately opens up his brief case and begins working his way through bundles and bundles of sheets.

"Er, sir? You have er...t-two meetings today. The first one i-is at er...12." Your voice fades into nothing getting no sign of acknowledgement or response. You dismiss yourself and walk over to your desk.

"I haven't dismissed you yet." He exclaims in a very demanding manner. The very sound of his authoritative voice paralyses your muscles. You awkwardly stand there, your next objective unknown to you, what are you to do? You can't think of a reason as to why he would be in such a ignorant mood.

For a moment, he stops rustling through the mountainous bundles of paper and brings his hand up to balance his perfectly structured face, eyes kept lock on sight of you. Goddamn him. Why does have he have to be different? Of course, you just had to get your hopes up and of course he had to completely crush your expectations of a good day. Wasn't he the one that advised you to be yourself? Has it angered him?

He plainly states your name and your attention is immediately brought back to him like a magnet.

"I need to talk to you." He threatens. In an instance your heart starts beating ten times quicker. Oh my god he's gonna fire me, he hates me and it's only been one day.

"Y-yes sir?"

"What's a man got to do to get a little appreciation from his girlfriend?" He exclaims. Baffled, you don't give a response, uncertain to whether he's actually expecting a well thought out, detailed answer or just generally speaking. Being completely unrelated to your job you didn't exactly come qualified for relationship therapy. Even at that, you've never had much experience with relationships anyway, so what would you know?

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