All This Bad Blood Pt. VI

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Warning: scenes of violence.

A/n: Hello lovelies! Yes overdue, I know, I shouldn't make promises. But here you are, the last chapter of All This Bad Blood. I'm probably going to finish Bite Down next, but I do have a couple of one shots waiting to be published, so they'll pass the time. Any way hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! Feedback appreciated.

A minute of silence passes and yet your eyes are still closed. Nobody moves, or at least you don't think so. The deafening ring of the gun still echoes through your ears that it blocks out any other sound in the room. After thrashing and flailing around trying to gain control of the gun, you can't tell for certain who took the fall. But if you're predictions are right can't even think about opening your eyes.

Paralysed in a hunched position, you take a moment to let the thought that a murder has just taken place in your own home sink in. Every single bit of regret wants you to just simply disappear but as reality sinks in, it imprints a cruel message inside your head that no, you got involved in this shit. This is your business. This is your doing and you're going to have to deal with it for the rest of your miserable life.

As you peel your eyes open the first thing you see is Charlie's bloodsoaked body lying stone cold on the floor. No pulse, no heartbeat, no voice. Just an empty body. Soulless. All you can hear is your conscious yelling at you, asking yourself how you could let this happen to Charlie. And what's his mother has lost both her sons to the devil who stands in your house.

Eventually all grief is long gone and in it's place you find that an overwhelming revulsion over everything else drives you through this situation.

"You fucker." You spit, directing your victimizing glare at Dan, whom, much to your disgust, has a dirty grin stretching his lips. Instincts tell you to pounce at him, slap that grin a mile off his face, satisfy all cravings to harm him in any possible, anything that would suffice to make up the loss of your good friend Charlie.

So you do.

You swing your hand back, giving yourself enough force to slap him so hard that it's leaves no doubt that his face would become blemished. Luckily for you, his biggest mistake was turning his head for that millisecond, literally offering his freshly shaven cheek to you: the perfect target.

It's almost unsettling how much slapping his face satisfies you after having wanting to do that for a long time now. You indulge the prickly feeling in your hand from the impact as well as the adrenaline appeasingly pumping through your veins. You slowly recoil as he doubles over from the impact emitting a roar of pain, but it doesn't take him long before he's back on his feet, waiting impatiently to charge like a bull. However, you dismiss the risk currently endangering your life and take one last moment to mourn Charlie. You whisper a goodbye in your head, cupping what's left of the warmth in his cheeks. Goodbye, Charlie. I'm so sorry.

People are going to come for you now. You just killed a well-known and respected ringleader, of course they're going to want to take revenge. Word gets about like a contagious disease around here so there's no way it would go unheard. Especially with so many connections throughout a vast network of gangs coming for you. Life can't get any better for you can it; locked under the manipulation of a mass murderer, tragically murdered your friend - your only friend - and yet you still have to face even more consequences coming your way.

Your head snaps to the clatter of noise behind you, and upon seeing Dan rampage through the pieces of furniture violently making his way towards you, you clamber up onto your feet eventually finding your balance and sprinting desperately through the hallways of your home. Everything in your way becomes an obstacle to overcome and with Dan's fast movements narrowly gaining on your tail, the only thing that's stopping your body failing is the utmost fear of what would happen if Dan were to catch you.

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