Guardian Ghost

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It's one of those nights again.

Alone with your thoughts, you sit, crossed-legged, with silence drifting through the empty air. Nothing changes. You hear the others laughing with glee as they come together in their little groups to discuss their unhealthy obsession with Justin Bieber or some other. You were never into that kind of thing and would never devote yourself into torturing yourself if it meant socialising people of whom you don't even like. The others are slightly older than you, which they use as an authoritative motive to pick on you. Not always, but whenever the opportunity arises. You've never really got on with them, you know faces but not names. However, even when it seemed hopeless to start learning names, there is one name that you've learned from the very beginning.


Ever since being dumped here at the orphanage by your social workers, you've always felt an awareness of some sort; the presence of someone else always lurking over your shoulder, eyes always watching, a chilling sensation crawling up your spine. Even now sitting in your bedroom you feel the unsettling atmosphere that the 200 year old orphanage conveys. Your bed squeaks underneath your careful and steady movements, trying not to make a ruckus as you make yourself comfy for six o'clock. Six o'clock was always the time Dan would come to visit you.

Dan's been visiting you at six o'clock for the past three years. He first made an appearance the first time the others came in and ransacked your bedroom because you finished the rest of the sweets downstairs. Dan was always supportive of you which is why he likes to pick on the kids who pick on you. In methods that would make you laugh and ensure that the kids would never do it again. His help has been quite consistent over the years and still he's always been put to good use. Justice was never short of being served. However there was always one downside to Dan.

There was always a name, but never a face.

As a haunting and ghostly entity, Dan isn't exactly human. You've never seen him but you know he exists, unlike everyone else who is unaware of your little friend. The little signs and notes he leaves you, possessing inanimate objects and using them in his control to communicate with you in any way possible. He has some range of paranormal abilities, such as possession of objects, the ability to make physical contact with you albeit not the other way round. All of these little perks of being invisible and powerful is that it he prefers to use them charitably and in your favour. And there is always one ability that never fails to cheer you up anytime; he can fly. Being able to pick you up, he carries you around the room effortlessly at the mention of your request and it never fails to enlighten you in darkened times.


While sitting on your bed, the presence of Dan comes to your attention and immediately your heart starts beating quicker. It comes to you like a sixth sense, just like how it came to you the moment you stepped in through that daunting front door of the orphanage.

You can't quite determine where he is, which you know after being friends with him for so long, could lead to something devious happening.

"Dan?" You speak out, hoping he would make you aware of where he is without scaring you. For a minute, it's utter silence. Everything comes to a standstill as you anticipate Dan's presence. Suddenly a light tap in your shoulder causes you head to whizz round only to see nothing there. You know it's Dan, but sometimes paranoia can get the better of you. Another tap to your other shoulder grabs your attention and again you whip your head around to see...

A pillow come flying towards your face.

A muffled shriek emits from your mouth as the floating pillow takes you clean out. All too soon, your laughter fills the air and all too well your blame is surely put on the devious Dan.

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