Bite Down Pt. 7

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A/n: So this will be the penultimate chapter in the Bite Down series. I decided to split it into two because it was getting too long. It just means that the second part of this will be slightly shorter. I know you guys are wanting this to be finished as much as I do but I have a busy lifestyle as well as like 6 other chapters waiting to be updated. Not to mention a motherfucker of a writing block in my way :)))))) Anyway, enjoy! Sorry if it's shit...

The next time you open your eyes it's morning and Dan is still curled up beside you, bodies neatly interconnected as your back huddles closely to his chest. Flashes of memory remind you of what happened last night between you and Dan and it's put you in a difficult situation. You've had a night to reflect on the changing perspectives towards Dan that you've experienced over the course of the last couple of days. You can't deny that what you and Dan have is a love/hate relationship. But the scary thing don't know what is more dominant. Love or hate?

Dan restlessly stirs beside you tightening his grip around your waist but however shows no obvious sign of being awake. You remain there sheltered in Dan's embrace as his gentle breathing is like a lullaby to your sensitive ears. Your eyes wander, having little else to do but to follow each speckle of dust that the sun spotlights through the cracks of the curtains: a little habit you've picked up since your senses have been somewhat upgraded. You wonder whether you'll ever get out of here, being that either you have escaped or have been willingly set free.

It also doesn't help that the debating voices in your head just won't compromise. You want nothing more than to be back home and away from vampires, but then again, the spark between you and Dan has only just started to grow. Whether you want to accept it or not, you are indebted to Dan. That other vampire would've made a meal out of you if it wasn't for him, and he did take you under his wing. And like he said, he could've ended your life there and then...but he didn't.

You eventually come to an agreement with yourself that despite everything bad he's done, all of his good deeds countermand it. It's the only solution you feel plausible as to how you should feel towards Dan.

"Hey, you awake?" His husky voice sends a wave of shivers down your spine, most likely to be noticed by him laying down within such close contact

"Yeah," you whisper back, deflating a content sigh.

"Your thoughts are really loud by the way," he murmurs, still drowsy from his long nights sleep.


"I can hear you think."

"And...and h-have you a-always been able to d-do that?"


Well there's another thing you can add onto the list of things you didn't know about Dan. Slightly embarrassed, you keep your lips sealed tight as well as your thoughts, conscious of Dan roaming your mind. He heard all of that? Of course he only tells you now, especially with all the offensive and rather unmentionable things you've thought about him in the past. Goddamnit he's made you look like an idiot.

"And you're only just telling me this now?" You twist your head finding that Dan's mischievous eyes are already fixated on you.

"It was never relevant. Seems you have me on your mind quite often," he smugly brags, peering down to your lips very briefly before returning back to your guilt-ridden eyes. He deflates a heavy sigh simultaneously scanning your facial features. "You can't make your mind up about me, can you?"

"Does it surprise you?"

"No. Not the fact that you can't...but it's the fact you don't want to."

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