All This Bad Blood Pt. IV

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The conversation was kept short and sweet, and disturbingly brief. Beads of sweat roll their way down your back in regret as he claims to make his way over to you now. In a blind panic you bustle around your house attempting to clear what you can, unprepared of such a short-notice visit. Whilst thinking about your existential crisis, you realise now the fatal mistake you've made surrendering yourself to him and his deluded ways of manipulation. But the money your mind tells you.

Three chaps of the door emit from your door and you frantically scurry to clean up the last of the mess in your cramped room. Shit, it'll have to do. Completely aware of the amount of time you're taking, you have no other choice but to let the mess of your room subside before rushing to your door, heart pounding out of your chest and heavy panted breaths heave their way from your lungs. You gradually open the door to see....


No no no he can't be here, not when his enemy is en route to your home!

"Charlie now's really not a good time." You blatantly exclaim. Obviously confused, he knows more than anyone that you have nothing better to do with your time than to slouch about. And with that he gives you a slightly skeptical look, one that hints that he's questioning your unfamiliar behaviour.

Charlie's always been one to catch on quickly, despite his lack of awareness of people other than himself, you have no doubt in that he knows something suspicious is going on. In defence, and the hope that he might leave, you block the doorway hoping that he will just take the hint. But nothing is ever as simple as that with Charlie. What you've done has only convinced him to storm in and take a look around and investigate.

"Charlie what are you doing?" You complain, stumbling over from him barging in.

"What are you up to? You're acting...sketchy." He raises an eyebrow to you before scanning over the areas of your house again.

"I told you, now's just not a good time. I'm expecting someone and they'll be here soon. So I would appreciate it if you'd leave...please." Your voice becomes noticeably hoarse the longer Charlie refuses to let go of his doubts. He just has to leave now before Dan sees him.

To your relief, Charlie accepts his defeat and begins to make his way to the front door. Just as his hand latches onto the handle you hear the obnoxious roar of an expensive car halting just outside your home. Fuck. He's here. It's too late to let Charlie leave now, he would surely be seen by Dan...there's only one thing you can do.

You grab Charlie's arm, letting loose of his grip on the door handle and drag him to your bedroom much to his dispute. There's a look of confusion and clearly disgust riddling his face as you force him into your bedroom before closing the door on him.

"Don't come out and don't make a sound. Please, Charlie I'm begging you." You whisper. He deflates a long exasperated sigh before sitting down on the edge of your bed and giving a quick nod. Thank God he's cooperating, you don't know what else you could've done.

As the door closes, another opens. Without even asking for permission Dan waltzes into your home and already his intimidating demeanor screams authority. His sort of power takes ownership of every single item you possess with the click of his fingers. He turns his nose up to your unwelcoming, unelaborate home and his disgusted eyes judge every little aspect to your home, making you feel admittedly embarrassed. Money's tight. There's no way you could afford to renovate the place to your liking, never mind Dan's.

His wicked eyes land on you and you observe as his lips curl into a devious grin, his hands coming together by his chest unnervingly rubbing them together. He slyly approaches you, taking each individual step slowly and steadily. That familiar anxiety has you cowering in the corner, dreading every moment of his presence.

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