A Battle Lost

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Lost. Confused. Frightened. It was just you're luck that your car had to break down in the middle of nowhere...in the storm. Out all nights to be driving alone, it had to be this one. With your can't-be-bothered level striking a new personal record, it can't get any worse than it already has.

You sit in your lifeless car with the only sound audible is the pelting of the hailstones battering against your car. All you wanted was to see your brother in hospital. For whatever reason nature wasn't allowing you to simply travel from one town to another.

With each miserable second that passes by your life is draining out of you like you're bleeding it out, pondering on what would be the ideal thing to do right now. Like your car, your phone is dead, the torrential weather blowing away any signal that could've been accessible. The everlasting darkness surrounds you until every so often a car's headlights come speeding past oblivious to your predicament that you're trapped in. Why does this have to happen to you?

It didn't seem like 2 hours ago that you were sitting within the comfort and warmth of your home that you felt at peace. But it was then that you received the phonecall from your poorly mother who informs you of your little brothers ailing health, and advises you that you should come now before it's too late. You had seen this coming; your little brother had been in hospital for as long as you can remember, ever since the diagnosis of the big 'C' word. Everything came crashing down regarding the bond that your entire family share. Your little brother, he's just too young. You had cared for him ever since he became bedridden; brought board games in to cheer him up, accompanied him when going through chemo, and it didn't bother you at all. You tried to do everything in your power to ensure that the time that he has left on earth is worth remembering, even if he does spend those last few moments in hospital. Just as long as you are there.

You fear it's too late, there's no possible way that you're going to be able to reach the hospital with the urgency that your mother enforced when she called you. What if is too late? What if you never got to say goodbye? To tell him how much he meant to you? All for nothing.

You slam your fists against your wheel, over and over and over...
You can just about feel the bruising swelling up your fists and soon the burning creeps in, numbing your hands until their senseless. Regardless of the weather, you need air to compose yourself, find some optimistic thoughts and gather them together. Maybe it's not too late.

Without thinking you step out into the darkness unaware of your surroundings, you thought you parked by the side, so where's the road? Your questions are soon answered when you are literally caught like a deer in the headlights. But these headlights are coming at an immense speed and you prepare for impact...only there is none. The forceful sprinkle of rain still splashes onto your face, you're still alive. The two bright lights blind you and reflexes kick in to block them anyway you could. That is you realise until you could move out the way...

"Are you crazy? I just about hit you!" The driver screams, exiting his car in a full frontal rage that takes you back quite a bit.

"I-I'm sorry I just r-really need help, my car broke down and I need to g-get to the hospital, my brother...he...he's needs me and...and he's dying." You break out, unsure whether the drips on your face are the icy cold drips of rain or the tears falling from your eyes. You can't help but let the rain manipulate the clarification of communication, it's just too darn cold.

The rain continues to soak you as you stand there silent waiting to hear whatever this man has to say. His appearance is concealed by the brightness of his lights but you know he's still standing there.

"What hospital?" He says, almost in a monotone.


"I said what hospital is your brother at? I'll take you there." He repeats, stepping at little closer to you and guiding you into his car. Natural instinct kicks in and you're automatically aware of the dangers of stepping into a strangers car, but as he buckles himself into the car you see him in full, albeit his face a little shielded by his flat, rain-soaked hair, but he looks gentle enough for you to trust him, besides, it's too late now as you let the name of the hospital slip from your blue lips.

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