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My heart goes out to everyone affected by the horrible attack in Manchester. It is absolutely tragic. I just wanted to clarify I was not aware of the attack at the time of publishing it. I am also aware that my chapter that I have just released may be slightly inappropriate for its timing, so if you feel that it needs to be taken down, I will be more than obliged to do so.

Again, I want you all to keep safe, no matter where you are. Nowadays you can't afford to assume you'll be alright because terrorism is unpredictable. Anyone is capable of doing it.

After reading about it this morning I have already cried 3 times. 22 people have died and more than 50 people were injured including children. There are people still missing.

I feel physically sick that someone is capable of doing something as tragic as that.

We will not let terrorism win.

Bastille ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now