Mother's Day

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(Daruk is back online)

Daruk: Hey everyone, it's another beautiful day!!

Daruk: I think... can't see much from Death Mountain...

(Link is back online)

Link: 👋

Daruk: What's cooking little guy?

Link: Mipha

Daruk: ....

Link: Oh

Link: I meant, Mipha is cooking for us

Daruk: Haha, you had me there for a second

Link: 😅

Link: Also Happy Mother's Day to you dude

Daruk: Thanks bud. How are you celebrating the event?

Link: Mipha and I decided to keep it down to family. I'm out to hunt some wild boar and fish

Daruk: Zoras actually eat other animals besides fish?

Link: Mipha has been eating anything lately.

Daruk: Ohh, I remember that episode!

Link: Yep. Anyway, we only invited Dorphean and the kids

Daruk: Ki-

Link: Relax. I'll let you know when the day will come

Daruk: 😎

Daruk: Wait, I just realized. Wasn't Mipha's dad enormous... and your house.. well...

Link: We have an outdoor patio for the occasion. His head won't even fit through the door.

Daruk: Damn.

(Revali is back online)

Link: ....

Revali: Happy Mother's Day everyone

Daruk: Yoo is this the nice Revali were finally seeing???

Revali: Huh?

Link: We probably have been expecting some snappy entrance or stupid comment

Revali: Relax you boulder, I'm just in a good mood today

Link: That could honestly go both ways

Daruk: Mmm... well, today isn't anything special anyway so-

Link: It's actually Mother's Day

Revali: Oh yeahhh

Daruk: What?

Revali: No wonder my mom made me several batches of cookies this morning :)

Link: Lucky stiff

Revali: What are you eating little Hylian?

Link: Fish and boar are on the menu... but I took a break from hunting boar, chicken.

Revali: You're hunting chicken and boar?

Link: -_-

Daruk: Wait, what's Mother's Day about?

Link: You don-

Daruk: Is it like a national holiday where everyone eats rocks?

Link: You just said Happy Mother's Day previously....

Daruk: I did?

Daruk: Honestly, the idea of eating rocks still seems right to me 🤔

Revali: He doesn't have a clue.

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