(Urbosa is back online)
(Zelda is back online)
Urbosa: Sav'saaba princess
Zelda: Urbosa! Hi!!
Urbosa: How has your day been fairing?
Zelda: Fine I guess...
Zelda: Father got sick yesterday
Urbosa: Oh no!!! Do you know what he came down with?
Zelda: I'm not sure yet 🙁
Zelda: It might be a really bad stomach virus, and I did see Link hanging out in the royal kitchen the other day
Urbosa: Why am I not surprised? What is he doing there anyway dear?
Zelda: You know... Father tasked him with training new recruits...
Urbosa: In the kitchen?
Zelda: Well....
Urbosa: I'm starting to believe your father didn't get sick by mere chance....
Zelda: I hope you're not suggesting Link purposefully poisoned him to spite the requirements
Urbosa: This is Link we're talking about, remember?
Zelda: You have a point....
Zelda: Nevermind then
Urbosa: Anyhow... has the King showed any signs of recovery?
Zelda: He could finally talk today and barked at the servants to bring him his morning tea
Urbosa: Well that's a good start I suppose
Zelda: ...
Zelda: Um.. Urbosa?
Urbosa: Yes, sweetie? What ails my sweet princess today?
Zelda: I've been thinking... you know...
Urbosa: About love? Someone finally caught your eyes?
Zelda: What?
Zelda: Of course not, don't be ridiculous now.
Urbosa: Oh
Zelda: I've been thinking about this chat....
Urbosa: What about it?
Zelda: You know... nothing good has come out of it. Sure, it's convenient that we can communicate over long distances but....
Zelda: I feel like it has only brought out the worst versions of us.
Zelda: I'm... a completely different person than I envisioned to be, all because of this Groupchat.
Urbosa: Aha, I see where you're coming from princess, and I understand.
Zelda: So I'm not the only one?
Urbosa: The chat has been a stupid idea from the beginning, and yet I fell in the trap. Nothing good comes out of our conversations
Zelda: Oh..
Urbosa: Well, most of them, that is. Especially when a blue rito is involved.
Zelda: No no... you're right
Zelda: Perhaps it would have been better if I hadn't joined... or better yet, if this Groupchat was never created in the first place
Urbosa: Speaking of, who created this anyway?
Zelda: ...
Zelda: Ah, it was Link
Urbosa: Link? Are you sure it wasn't Revali or someone else?

Link & Champions Group Chat
FanfictionThis book stars Link and the Champions messing around in a group chat on Sheikah Slates. The timeline takes place one year before the Calamity, though I will incorporate a few creative elements that aren't necessarily linked to the actual timeline...