National Goron Olympics

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(Mipha is back online)

Mipha: ...

Mipha: Oh.. no one's... online

Mipha: ..

(Zelda is back online)

Mipha: Princess?

Zelda: Ahh Mipha... what a pleasant surprise

Mipha: Likewise 😊

Zelda: How are things fairing on your end..?

Mipha: Fine at the moment.. Link's been going crazy with the recent news

Zelda: Oh? How so?

Mipha: He completely remodeled the inside of our house and built an extra room for the little ones

Zelda: Aww he sounds very excited

Mipha: Yeah.. I'm a bit nervous however

Zelda: About having kids?

Mipha: Well.. more like becoming a mother.. I don't know what to expect 😳

Zelda: I wish I could help you there.. none of us are actually moms

Mipha: But Urbos-

Zelda: We don't do that here

Mipha: .... okay

Zelda: Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? Or both??

Mipha: I don't know...

Zelda: But surely there's a way of knowing. Perha-

Mipha: Um.. why are you lecturing me on Zora? 😅

Zelda: ...

Mipha: ...

(Revali is back online)

Revali: She's probably been reading a lot about Zora reproductive systems

Mipha: ....

Zelda: I'm sorry... W H A T

Revali: If you can't make babies with your dream man, then study his current choice of meat.

Mipha: ...

Revali: He seems to have a fine taste

Zelda: Why the hell is it that everytime you come on, that stupid beak of yours always has to say ridiculous b-

Revali: And why the hell are you studying Zora anatomy?

Zelda: .....

Mipha: Um..

(Daruk is back online)

Zelda: Omg Daruk please save us

Daruk: Hmm?

Revali: Little Princess here likes to stalk our precious couple

Zelda: ...

Daruk: Who?

Revali: Hylian and Sushi Kebab

Daruk: I'm lost

Revali: Link and Mipha

Daruk: Ohhh

Revali: -_-

Daruk: I mean, haven't you already stalked them while... they were... you know.... MmmMMMMmmmmMm...

Revali: >.>

Mipha: 😶

Revali: Scientific research, completely fund based

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