Uncle Daruk

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(Zelda is back online)

Zelda: Hello guys

Zelda: Hiiii

(Mipha is back online)

(Urbosa is back online)

Zelda: Hey you two

Mipha: Hi Princess!

Urbosa: Hey Zelda

Zelda: I just got off with Revali yesterday

Zelda: He said you all had some get-together or... cookout?

Mipha: ....

Urbosa: Did he tell you that?

Zelda: Yes 😶

Urbosa: Of course he did.

Urbosa: Well....

Mipha: I hope you're not mad you weren't invited Zelda :(

Mipha: I completely forgot about you

Urbosa: I personally assumed you might've been busy or something

Urbosa: You know... royal duties and all tha-

Zelda: No, you're right. I was busy.

Zelda: Father and I had to attend a royal meeting... well a boring meeting with several architects and builders on rebuilding Hyrule

Urbosa: Oh right

Urbosa: Ganon still manged to turn most of Hyrule into turd

Mipha: Urbosa >:(

Urbosa: What's wrong Mipha?

Mipha: Watch your language >:(((

Urbosa: Oh um... alright Mipha, I'm sorry

Mipha: :))

Zelda: But you're right about that Urbosa, Hyrule is still left in shambles

Zelda: It's honestly going to be a pain to get back to our previous way of life

Mipha: And to think it's hardly been a year since then.....

Urbosa: Crazy stuff 🙄

Zelda: Tell me about it

Zelda: Anyway, Father hasn't been getting on my nerves today, thankfully, so I'm just hanging in bed now

Zelda: What's new?

Mipha: Umm....

Urbosa: Let's see....

(Daruk is back online)

Zelda: Daruk is online

Mipha: Hi Daruk!!!

Daruk: Aww hey guys :)))

Urbosa: Hey Daruk

Daruk: How are we doing today?

Daruk: I'm feeling really good!

Mipha: Really? That's great to hear! 🤭

Urbosa: Angelina let you back in?

Daruk: Yes!!!!

Zelda: Not gonna lie, I forgot about that unfortunate event

Zelda: Glad it was resolved Daruk

Daruk: Heck yeah!! :D

Urbosa: ...

Urbosa: You know... I'll be honest

Mipha: What is it Urbosa?

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