Vacation Without Ravioli

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(Sidon is back online)

(Saria is back online)

Saria: Hey Sidon

Sidon: Glad we could switch here. I don't know why private messages wouldn't work

Saria: :(

Sidon: Welp

Sidon: How are the classes going?

Saria: Ookuy I guess

Sidon: That's great to hear!

Sidon: I noticed your spelling has improved a bit

Saria: A bit?

Sidon: I mean a LOT!!!

Saria: Ooooo yusss it husssss

Saria: Bur I dunt like it heer!!!

Saria: I miss u :(((

Sidon: I do too 🙁

Sidon: I wonder why Link insisted that you take private lessons at Hryule Castle

Saria: Ohhhh yuu knowww

Saria: He keeps sayeng i mjet be a "presitguojss"-

Sidon: Prestigious

Saria: Prestigious young lady who knows a lot uv stuff und manners

Sidon: I think you were perfect the way you were before

Saria: Rully????

Sidon: Of course :)))

Sidon: You're my best friend after all

Saria: 😁

(Revali is back online)

Saria: Revuuliiii!!!

Sidon: Revali!!

Revali: Yo, what's up kiddos

Revali: Glad to see some cool beans for a change

Saria: :D

Revali: Sooooooooooooooooo

Sidon: ?

Revali: Have you two confessed to each other?

Sidon: Umm... what?

Saria: Wat

Revali: Isn't it obvious?

Revali: You two are close to being teens

Revali: Or... actually.... nevermind, I don't want to get confused

Saria: I'm already confused

Sidon: Same

Sidon: We don't understand

Revali: ...

Revali: Don't you two like each other?

Sidon: ....

Saria: Why wud u say that?

Revali: Oh you know

Revali: Sidon always coming to the rescue, always being the hero of the group

Revali: You two always look so cuddly and cute together too

Revali: Almost reminds me of Link and Mipha, just with the species roles being opposite

Revali: Only catch being that Link was actually retarded in acknowledging the feelings

Sidon: .... um.. why are you bringing this up now out of nowhere?

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