Excuse Me Princess?

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(Urbosa is back online)

(Mipha is back online)

Urbosa: Hey Mipha! How are you?

Mipha: I'm doing really good! I had an amazing day yesterday! :D

Urbosa: Happy to hear that ^^

Mipha: How are you also fairing?

Urbosa: Well, not too bad actually. I got the hang of Naboris now. She's a clever girl

Mipha: Aww, we should meet up sometime!

Urbosa: We really should!

(Link is back online)

(Revali is back online)

(Daruk is back online)

Link: Hey guys

Urbosa: Sav'saaba

Mipha: Hi Link!

Link: Hey Mipha ^^

Mipha: I wanted to thank you again for taking me on a picnic yesterday

Link: Of course! I had a great time!

Mipha: \(^-^)/

Revali: Ahh... I see what you did there Link

Daruk: So you've actually done it ;)

Mipha: ?

Link: -_-

Urbosa: You know, this chat could use some more diversity, more girls.

Revali: Mmm, what do you mean?

(Urbosa added Zelda to Champions Hangout)

Link: ???

Daruk: O-O


(Zelda is online)

Mipha: Welcome Princess! :D

Urbosa: Greetings!!

Zelda: Ooh hi everyone!!!

Link: ...

Daruk: Um hi princess...

Revali: Damn.

Urbosa: So, how are you doing Zelda?

Zelda: I'm studying up on Sheikah history!

Revali: MMM... this one's energetic

Zelda: What?

Urbosa: Obviously, Revali here is talking about his imaginary girlfriend

Revali: I AM NOT! In fact, I do have one!

Daruk: Really? That's news

Mipha: Aww, how sweet! Who is she? <3

Revali: She um, is very shy... doesn't like attention...

Urbosa: Unlike you

Revali: :/

Zelda: Ooh yay! Link's here too!

Link: .....

Daruk: C'mon little guy, say hi

Revali: I'm sure she doesn't bite ;)

Link: ...uh, hi Zelda...

Zelda: He talks!!! :D

Urbosa: Amazing, isn't it?

Revali: Ehh, I like how he was before actually

Mipha: Revali...

Zelda: Oh, by the way Link, I'm going frog searching tomorrow and requested to father that you tag along :)

Link: Um... but...

Mipha: Wait, Link? Weren't you gonna come to Sidon's birthday tomorrow?

Link: I still plan on coming

Zelda: Wait, who again?

Mipha: Sidon, my little brother. It's his birthday tomorrow and he was really excited for Link to come.

Link: By the way Mipha, I got his present

Mipha: Splendid!

Zelda: I see but, my father really needed some hot footed frogs for an elixir.

Urbosa: Zelda, why don't you join Link to the birthday party?

Daruk: I'm sure you'll find frogs there too

Zelda: I don't know... it's a pretty tiresome trek

Revali: Glad someone agrees with me

Zelda: Link, this is actually very important

Mipha: But... this is a special event here too...

Zelda: No one cares about a child's birthday!

Mipha: I......


Revali: >.>

Zelda: What Link?

Link: NO ONE cares about your frog trip

Daruk: Um...

Urbosa: Link, calm down

Revali: This is getting good! :D

Zelda: Excuse me, but do you know who you're talking to?

Mipha: Link please... it's okay...

Link: Sidon is like a little brother, I'm going to his birthday, okay?

Zelda: Link... this is an order from my father

(Link kicked Zelda from Champions Hangout)

Mipha: O.O

Revali: Haha that's my Link!!!

Daruk: Yikes...

Urbosa: Link! How dare you?!

Link: No one cares.

Revali: I'm actually starting to like him

Mipha: You didn't have to do that... it would've been fine

Link: No way, I wouldn't miss Sidon's birthday for the world

Mipha: Awwww, that's so sweet!

Revali: Look at them lovebirds

Daruk: Yep!

Mipha: Um...

Link: Well I uh, I gotta go now... might be in trouble

Mipha: Okay, take care! ^-^

(Link has gone offline)

Mipha: I'll be going too, I'm gonna help prepare for tomorrow's party

(Mipha has gone offline)

Urbosa: I really don't know how well this is gonna turn out

Revali: What? It was a blast! :D

Urbosa: You... are so...

Daruk: Welp, I'll be seeing you all then

Urbosa: Yeah, me too

Revali: Sure, whatever.

(Urbosa has gone offline)

(Revali has gone offline)

(Daruk has gone offline)

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