Chapter 1

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Hi guys! so this is my first fan fiction so bare with me but i hope you enjoy this and want to keep reading! it would mean a lot!


It was the day of Derek's funeral it went very slowly soon it was the reception, the reception for the beloved McDreamy had come to an end. Meredith was there but she wasn't it was like she was a ghost in her own body, everyone noticed this but kept quiet, thinking it was because she was grieving her husband, but little did they know she had a secret she was yet to reveal to the people she loved the most.


It was later that night when she could not handle it anymore the stress and everything reminding her of what she had lost, she could not stay in Seattle with the constant reminders she just had to escape for a while, she needed to be able to breathe again. So she packed her bags and left with Zola and Bailey she decided to take them Boston her other "home" if you will. She thought she would need to leave a note so Alex doesn't call the police for missing people that would have caused unneeded attention and drama just what she was trying to avoid.


"We are fine we are going away for awhile i need to be able to breathe and i can't with the reminders the ferry boats, the scotch it is all too much. But we are fine i don't know when we will be back but don't worry about us. -Love Mer

And just like that Meredith had left with hardly any notice. Many questions were running through her head:

How was she going to look after two soon to be three kids by herself?

How long is she going to stay in Boston for?

What will she say to everyone?

Was this a bad move?

All these thoughts were mentally exhausting, but they need to be answered but not right now at the moment Meredith had to be strong for Bailey and Zola who sadly will grow up without a father and Meredith will have to live without her Derek.

Sorry this is quiet short in the next chapters i'm going to do POVS but anyway hope you like it and leave any ideas and feedback in the comments :)

Hope you have a great day.

-Cerys x

Word count: 410 words :)

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