Chapter 21

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Richard's POV:

"Alright everyone, okay so they have just landed I want everyone to be on their best game check Meredith's incision, check over the baby and take her straight to NICU, and now with Derek I want ortho, general and neuro to all do checks for anything the Whitehouse could have missed now, what are you waiting for go save some lives!"

As I watched everyone run off to get prepared, I couldn't help but worry about how we let Mer move away while she was grieving we should have stopped her then she could have gotten proper care, and then she would have not gotten an infection.


Derek's POV:

As soon as we entered the hospital, Mer and I were split apart going to separate rooms to be examined despite the protesting that I was fine and didn't need the medical care it was my wife and daughter that did, but that was no use I was getting tested for everything in the book and being on the board I can only imagine the cost of all of this unneeded testing of me.

After hours of testing, I was finally deemed healthy and that nothing was indeed wrong with me, which is what I was trying to tell them. After all the testing I had groups and more groups of people welcoming me back and asking me what had happened so after spending a further number of hours telling the story I was beyond tired and just wanted to see my family. And there I turned and I saw the people I missed the most, Amy, Bailey and Zola, my family.


"Zola, Bailey I missed you so much, did you look after mummy while I was on holiday?"

Although it wasn't really a holiday they didn't know the extent of what happened around them.

"Yes, daddy, Bailey, and I looked after her and sissy, and look Uncle Alex got me this toy!!"

"That was very sweet of uncle Alex, do you want to take your brother over there while I talk to Aunty Amy?"

"Okie, daddy."

Amy, my favorite sister, the sister I worry about the most the one who stands before me looking as broken as I feel.

"Amy I-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before she bear-hugged me so tight I swear she was cutting out my oxygen.

"I missed you too Ames, now tell me what happened while I was gone."

"Oh Derek you don't even know half of it, it was terrible after your funeral Meredith was like a ghost, then one day she just put and left and I was this close to relapsing and Derek I am so glad you are alive. But I swear to god if you pull any of that crap on me again I will kill you myself and make it look like an accident."

"Noted and oh Amy I love you too."


Meredith's POV:

I woke to feeling groggy and with doctors all in my room none of who I recognize and it wasn't till I hear Cristina's voice that I knew they must be new interns, which sucks for me because I don't want them to know me as the sick attending.

"Get out all of you before I kick you have no right to be in this patient's room without authority she is VIP! You heard me scram!"

Ahhh there's the Cristina I know and love.

"Hey Cris, missed me?"

"Of course I missed you but why the hell did you pull a stunt like this! I flew all the way from Switzerland and I heard McDreamy is back from the dead?"

"So it wasn't a dream? Derek is back he didn't die?"

And there he stood the love of my life at the doorway with 2 out of 3 of my wonderful children my family was now together again.

"No, I didn't die and I will never leave you again, oh and hi Cristina long time no see."

Chapter 21 done! I hope you liked this chapter it was kind of a filler but also not if that makes sense, and it was also a chapter with some reactions of them coming back etc. Also, I plan to update more because I start my holidays soon so I should have some time on my hands' fingers crossed. Also please don't forget to vote or comment and thank you for all the love and support you have shown me it means a lot!

-Have a great day!


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