Chapter 19

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Meredith's POV:

It all felt so weird one minute I was on a beach with Lexie, George, and Mark, and the next I was back in a hospital bed with doctors surrounding me and Derek insisting they transfer me to Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital but the doctors weren't budging until they get approval. It feels strange like I'm a ghost that is outside my body watching everything and that I'm not really there but I'm there in spirit, did I make the right choice with leaving the beach? Am I supposed to remember the beach? All these questions about the beach but if I brought them up they would surely think I've gone crazy but what they don't know is that I'm not crazy I'm just a Grey.


Derek's POV:

Mer has finally woken up so we can now be the family we have been aching to become again, but I can't help but sense that something is wrong with Mer she seems out of it like she has seen a ghost even the color is draining from her.

"Hey Mer, are you alright? You look a bit pale do you want me to get a doctor?"

"huh- um no I'm fine just thinking."

Meredith's fine normally means she isn't fine, then it all clicked she has been away from Seattle for over 8 months she must miss her normal life with her friends and her family I need them to approve the transfer and soon.


Meredith's POV:

As the day continued my smile gradually came back I was texting Alex and Cristina and it made me ache to go back to Seattle as Cristina said as soon as I get there she will visit and of course, I will get to see the rest of the Grey-Sloan family. As I thought about going back to Seattle I slowly forgot all about the beach and the fact that I chose to live when I could have died it was like deja vu from when I drowned expect this time I nearly chose not to stay, but Derek doesn't have to know that.

Derek entered the room with a smile plastered across his face which only meant one thing.

Derek's POV:

They have finally approved the transfer so I have organized Alex to take the kids with him to Seattle on the nearest flight and I'll pay while Mer and I get airlifted, we will both be finally reunited with our family and our work family. Shit does Amelia know that I'm alive? She is so going to kill me when she sees that I'm not dead.

"Mer, we can go home they have let you get transferred we are going home and with the newest edition to the Shepherd clan, I love you, Meredith Grey."

"I love you Derek, but I swear to God if you pull any more of that crap on me I won't be so forgiving like the first time you "died"."

"I promise Mer."


*in Seattle*

Richard's POV:

I have gotten a call from Derek the last person I would have expected a call from considering he was supposed to be dead, but he called saying that he and Meredith are flying in from Boston as a patient as  Meredith had an abdomen surgery infection plus having a baby. I marched my way to the attending lounge to inform their closest friends while prepping a team ready for the care Mer needs.


"Alright everyone, as you may or may not have heard but Derek is in fact alive the government had him fake his death without his knowledge so they could continue brain mapping but that is not why I'm here, so Meredith was in Boston as we knew but what we didn't know was she was indeed pregnant she has given birth to a sweet girl, but she had an abdomen infection leading to have emergency surgery so she is now being transferred here. Robbins, I want you to look after the baby as she is a premmie, Karev is coming back with Zola and Bailey so you won't be alone. Bailey, I want you to look after Meredith and I want every department to run a check on Derek to see if has fully recovered. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, Cheif."

Chapter 19 done, I hope you all liked this chapter I'm thinking of making an Amelia POV what do you all think? Also thank you so much for all the reads and votes on all of my stories it means the world to me! OMG ALSO, so it was just my birthday and my friend got me a freaking Derek Shepherd funko pop! Anyway please vote/comment etc and if you have ideas feel free to message me :)

Have a great day!


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