Chapter 29

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Meredith's POV:

He's alive.

He lived.

Everything is okay because he didn't leave me again, everything is now okay because I still have him with me.

Amelia paged me about ten minutes ago letting me know that he is okay and he has wakened up and that is asking for me and my heart is starting to fill with butterflies and the feeling of relief, this doesn't seem real it feels like this is a really good dream and that I will wake up and realize that Derek was dead all this time from the first accident.

But as much as I pinch myself and as much as it hurts each time it begins to become more clear that this is reality and Derek is in fact still with me.


"Derek Christopher Shepherd!"

"Meredith, I'm so so sorry for making you worried I really am."

"Derek, this is the second time within a year you have nearly died and I can't go through this for the third time got it?"


I can't believe how close I was to losing Derek again.

Derek's POV:

I wish I could remember what happened and how I got myself into this position and until I can remember I am no use to the police officers that happen to be standing outside my window I assume waiting for the okay to talk to me.

And as if right on cue Bailey and the officer walk into my room, clearly hinting for Meredith to leave.

"Dr.Shepherd, I understand you were attacked so if you don't mind I'm going to be asking you some questions if you are up to it."

"Yes, I'm alright."

no you're not you clearly have memory loss and need a neuro consult.

'Where were you before the attack?"

"Um well my brain is a bit foggy at the moment, but there are a few things I remember. I remember going to Joe's with my work college Owen which is the bar across the road we had a few drinks and then we left. I don't remember what street I was on but I was walking somewhere and then the rest is a blur, sorry."

'No no so far that is good, we would need you to try and remember the rest so we can track down whoever had attacked you so we can get you justice."

"Yes, I understand."


*A couple of days go by Derek still doesn't remember everything*

Meredith POV:


"I'm so sorry Dr. Grey, I should have run a head C.T, once again I'm so sorry I will fix it right away."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to Nelson it's my husband who hasn't been able to remember how he got to this freakin mess, I don't want you operating please find another surgeon if you were too incompetent to get a c.t I don't want you near my husband. Do I make myself clear Dr. Nelson?"

'Yes, Dr. Grey I'll find someone straight away once again I'm sorry and I will explain everything to Dr.Shepherd now."

"I'm so mad. All this time we could have fixed Derek and have whoever attacked him in prison by now, but no Nelson was too damn lazy to freakin head C.T what is it with doctors and not getting head C.Ts? Like come one has it gone out of style now? Maggie he could have been better, he could have been able to remember and now, and now if they don't get the bleed"

" Meredith, Derek is going to be fine. They are taking him to surgery now and he will be up and at it in no time so calm down and go home and shower see the kids have a meal I'll update you."

"Thank you Maggie."

*surgery was successful now all they can do is wait.*

Derek's surgery was a while ago and he still hasn't waken up yet and if he doesn't wake up soon, if he doesn't wake up we have to call it and I'm not ready. Not again.
I walk over to sit next to Derek and I take in all of his features, cuts and bruises cover his face, his legs and a arm lie in a cast and his head is bandaged from the trauma and the surgery. I can tell his is tired and badly injured but we've seen worse he can survive this, he has survived worse now all he has to do is wake up.

"Derek, please please wake up I know I nearly left you when I had Ellis, but it's not your time *sniffle* please Derek I can't lose you, not today we're supposed to live together till we are 110 so you need to keep promise you hear me *sniffle*"

I'm now full on crying. I need him to wake up,he is how I breathe and without him I feel like I'm suffocating.

Sorry for the wait for the update I couldn't think of how to write this chapter etc. but I hope you liked this chapter tbh I don't know where I want this to go but we will have to wait and see I guess. If you liked this chapter please leave a vote it means so much to me, sorry for any grammar errors.
Have a great day

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